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Cisco Employee

Configuring Freeradius2 for NCS:


According to RFC 2865 that details the RADIUS protocol, although the Radius packet length field is 2 octets long, the maximum packet size is restricted to 4096 bytes.  In later WCS/NCS versions the task list becomes very large and if you have many virtual domains you will go over this 4096 byte limit and will get errors that the user/pass is wrong with very little other logging.

Installing freeradius:

Prior to Freeradius2 the command Cleartext-Password does not seem to be supported.

I used this site for installation and configuration:

Users file ( /etc/raddb/users ):

Added to the top of the file.

user Cleartext-Password := "Nowires123"

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:virtual-domain0=ROOT-DOMAIN",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:role0=Root",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task0=View Alerts and Events",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task1=Device Reports",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task2=RADIUS Servers",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task3=Network Summary Reports",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task4=Configure ACS View Servers",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task5=Run Reports List",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task6=View CAS Notifications Only",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task7=Administration Menu Access",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task8=Monitor Clients",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task9=Monitor Media Streams",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task10=Configure Guest Users",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task11=Configure Lightweight Access Point Templates",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task12=Monitor Chokepoints",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task13=Maps Read Write",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task14=Configure Access Points",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task15=Virtual Domains List",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task16=All",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task17=Users and Groups",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task18=Saved Reports List",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task19=Migration Templates",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task20=Monitor Spectrum Experts",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task21=Configure Autonomous Access Point Templates",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task22=Audit Trails",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task23=Monitor Handover Server",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task24=Client Location",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task25=Monitor Access Points",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task26=CleanAir Reports",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task27=Configure Ethernet Switches",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task28=Configure Ethernet Switch Ports",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task29=TACACS+ Servers",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task30=Autonomous AP Reports",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task31=Mobility Service Management",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task32=Performance Reports",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task33=Help Menu Access",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task34=Configure Controllers",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task35=MSAP Reports",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task36=Scheduled Tasks and Data Collection",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task37=Monitor Tags",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task38=Search Access",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task39=Scheduled Configuration Tasks",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task40=Configure WIPS Profiles",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task41=Client Reports",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task42=Services Menu Access",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task43=Configure Templates",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task44=System Settings",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task45=Report Launch Pad",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task46=Remove Clients",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task47=Configure Config Groups",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task48=Mesh Reports",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task49=High Availability Configuration",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task50=License Center",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task51=Lobby Ambassador Defaults Configuration",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task52=Monitor Controllers",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task53=Monitor Security",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task54=Monitor Menu Access",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task55=Track Clients",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task56=Monitor Interferers",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task57=Configure Switch Location Configuration Templates",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task58=Configure WiFi TDOA Receivers",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task59=TAC Case Attachment Tool",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task60=Handover Server Management",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task61=Voice Audit Report",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task63=Report Run History",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task64=Compliance Reports",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task65=Maps Read Only",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task66=Disable Clients",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task67=WIPS Service",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task68=Security Reports",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task69=Configure Spectrum Experts",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task70=Appliance",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task71=View Security Index Issues",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task72=Home Menu Access",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task73=Monitor WiFi TDOA Receivers",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task74=Health Monitor Details",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task75=ContextAware Reports",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task76=User Preferences",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task77=Guest Reports",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task78=Logging",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task79=Automated Feedback",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task80=Identity Search Engine",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task81=Delete and Clear Alerts",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task82=Email Notification",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task83=License Check",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task84=Rogue Location",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task85=Identify Unknown Users",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task86=Reports Menu Access",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task87=Configure ISE Servers",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task88=Tools Menu Access",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task89=Config Audit Dashboard",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task90=Virtual Domain Management",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task91=Monitor Ethernet Switches",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task92=Configure Choke Points",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task93=RRM Dashboard",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task94=Diagnostic Information",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task95=Planning Mode",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task96=Configure Menu Access",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task97=Ack and Unack Security Index Issues",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task98=Pick and Unpick Alerts",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task99=Ack and Unack Alerts",

    cisco-avpair += "NCS:task100=Auto Provisioning",

Clients file ( /etc/raddb/clients.conf ):

Added to the end of the file to allow NCS to talk to this radius server:

client {

  secret = SECRET_KEY

  shortname = nms-kate

  nastype = cisco


To test the freeradius config:

The radiusd -X command will allow testing of the config.  Running this command should get a lot of output and then at the end this:

Listening on authentication address * port 1812

Listening on accounting address * port 1813

Listening on command file /var/run/radiusd/radiusd.sock

Listening on authentication address port 18120 as server inner-tunnel

Listening on proxy address * port 1814

Ready to process requests.

To test the configured user from the users file:

linuxlabciscocom:~# radtest user Nowires123 0 testing123

Sending Access-Request of id 250 to port 1812

        User-Name = "user"

        User-Password = "Nowires123"

        NAS-IP-Address =

        NAS-Port = 0

        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000

rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host port 1812, id=250, length=3998

        Cisco-AVPair = "NCS:virtual-domain0=ROOT-DOMAIN"

        Cisco-AVPair = "NCS:role0=Root"

        Cisco-AVPair = "NCS:task0=View Alerts and Events"

        Cisco-AVPair = "NCS:task1=Device Reports"

        Cisco-AVPair = "NCS:task2=RADIUS Servers"

        .... snipped the other tasks.

The server you started with radiusd -X will show:

rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 56556, id=250, length=74

        User-Name = "user"

        User-Password = "Nowires123"

        NAS-IP-Address =

        NAS-Port = 0

        Message-Authenticator = 0xfbc6150fdaf7893c43fa1e364f118aba

Sending Access-Accept of id 250 to port 56556

        Cisco-AVPair += "NCS:virtual-domain0=ROOT-DOMAIN"

        Cisco-AVPair += "NCS:role0=Root"

        Cisco-AVPair += "NCS:task0=View Alerts and Events"

        Cisco-AVPair += "NCS:task1=Device Reports"

        Cisco-AVPair += "NCS:task2=RADIUS Servers"

        .... snipped the other tasks.

Finished request 0.

Going to the next request

Successful login for root from NCS logs:

    Line 72218: 07/05/12 10:37:47.668 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] Creating datagram socket   - To Server:  - For User:  user

    Line 72219: 07/05/12 10:37:47.669 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] Building Access Request Packet  - To Server:  - For User:  user

    Line 72220: 07/05/12 10:37:47.669 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] Building and sending Access Request Datagram  - To Server:  - For User:  user

    Line 72221: 07/05/12 10:37:47.670 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] Receiving Access Response Datagram  - From Server:  - For User:  user

    Line 72222: 07/05/12 10:37:47.671 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] Validating Access Response Authenticator field  - From Server:  - For User:  user

    Line 72223: 07/05/12 10:37:47.671 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule]  user  successfully authenticated for server

    Line 72224: 07/05/12 10:37:47.672 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS+ AAAModule] Disconnecting from datagram socket  - From Server:  - For User:  user

    Line 72225: 07/05/12 10:37:47.672 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding virtual domain: virtual-domain0 = ROOT-DOMAIN

    Line 72226: 07/05/12 10:37:47.672 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding role: role0 = Root

    Line 72227: 07/05/12 10:37:47.673 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task0 = View Alerts and Events

    Line 72228: 07/05/12 10:37:47.673 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task1 = Device Reports

    Line 72229: 07/05/12 10:37:47.673 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task2 = RADIUS Servers

    Line 72230: 07/05/12 10:37:47.674 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task3 = Network Summary Reports

    Line 72231: 07/05/12 10:37:47.674 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task4 = Configure ACS View Servers

    Line 72232: 07/05/12 10:37:47.674 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task5 = Run Reports List

    Line 72233: 07/05/12 10:37:47.674 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task6 = View CAS Notifications Only

    Line 72234: 07/05/12 10:37:47.675 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task7 = Administration Menu Access

    Line 72235: 07/05/12 10:37:47.675 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task8 = Monitor Clients

    Line 72236: 07/05/12 10:37:47.675 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task9 = Monitor Media Streams

    Line 72237: 07/05/12 10:37:47.676 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task10 = Configure Guest Users

    Line 72238: 07/05/12 10:37:47.676 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task11 = Configure Lightweight Access Point Templates

    Line 72239: 07/05/12 10:37:47.676 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task12 = Monitor Chokepoints

    Line 72240: 07/05/12 10:37:47.677 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task13 = Maps Read Write

    Line 72241: 07/05/12 10:37:47.677 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task14 = Configure Access Points

    Line 72242: 07/05/12 10:37:47.677 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task15 = Virtual Domains List

    Line 72243: 07/05/12 10:37:47.677 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task16 = All

    Line 72244: 07/05/12 10:37:47.678 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task17 = Users and Groups

    Line 72245: 07/05/12 10:37:47.678 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task18 = Saved Reports List

    Line 72246: 07/05/12 10:37:47.678 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task19 = Migration Templates

    Line 72247: 07/05/12 10:37:47.679 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task20 = Monitor Spectrum Experts

    Line 72248: 07/05/12 10:37:47.679 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task21 = Configure Autonomous Access Point Templates

    Line 72249: 07/05/12 10:37:47.679 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task22 = Audit Trails

    Line 72250: 07/05/12 10:37:47.680 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task23 = Monitor Handover Server

    Line 72251: 07/05/12 10:37:47.680 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task24 = Client Location

    Line 72252: 07/05/12 10:37:47.680 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task25 = Monitor Access Points

    Line 72253: 07/05/12 10:37:47.680 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task26 = CleanAir Reports

    Line 72254: 07/05/12 10:37:47.681 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task27 = Configure Ethernet Switches

    Line 72255: 07/05/12 10:37:47.681 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task28 = Configure Ethernet Switch Ports

    Line 72256: 07/05/12 10:37:47.681 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task29 = TACACS+ Servers

    Line 72257: 07/05/12 10:37:47.682 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task30 = Autonomous AP Reports

    Line 72258: 07/05/12 10:37:47.682 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task31 = Mobility Service Management

    Line 72259: 07/05/12 10:37:47.682 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task32 = Performance Reports

    Line 72260: 07/05/12 10:37:47.683 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task33 = Help Menu Access

    Line 72261: 07/05/12 10:37:47.683 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task34 = Configure Controllers

    Line 72262: 07/05/12 10:37:47.683 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task35 = MSAP Reports

    Line 72263: 07/05/12 10:37:47.683 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task36 = Scheduled Tasks and Data Collection

    Line 72264: 07/05/12 10:37:47.684 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task37 = Monitor Tags

    Line 72265: 07/05/12 10:37:47.684 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task38 = Search Access

    Line 72266: 07/05/12 10:37:47.684 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task39 = Scheduled Configuration Tasks

    Line 72267: 07/05/12 10:37:47.685 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task40 = Configure WIPS Profiles

    Line 72268: 07/05/12 10:37:47.685 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task41 = Client Reports

    Line 72269: 07/05/12 10:37:47.685 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task42 = Services Menu Access

    Line 72270: 07/05/12 10:37:47.686 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task43 = Configure Templates

    Line 72271: 07/05/12 10:37:47.686 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task44 = System Settings

    Line 72272: 07/05/12 10:37:47.686 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task45 = Report Launch Pad

    Line 72273: 07/05/12 10:37:47.686 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task46 = Remove Clients

    Line 72274: 07/05/12 10:37:47.687 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task47 = Configure Config Groups

    Line 72275: 07/05/12 10:37:47.687 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task48 = Mesh Reports

    Line 72276: 07/05/12 10:37:47.687 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task49 = High Availability Configuration

    Line 72277: 07/05/12 10:37:47.688 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task50 = License Center

    Line 72278: 07/05/12 10:37:47.688 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task51 = Lobby Ambassador Defaults Configuration

    Line 72279: 07/05/12 10:37:47.688 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task52 = Monitor Controllers

    Line 72280: 07/05/12 10:37:47.689 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task53 = Monitor Security

    Line 72281: 07/05/12 10:37:47.689 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task54 = Monitor Menu Access

    Line 72282: 07/05/12 10:37:47.689 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task55 = Track Clients

    Line 72283: 07/05/12 10:37:47.690 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task56 = Monitor Interferers

    Line 72284: 07/05/12 10:37:47.690 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task57 = Configure Switch Location Configuration Templates

    Line 72285: 07/05/12 10:37:47.690 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task58 = Configure WiFi TDOA Receivers

    Line 72286: 07/05/12 10:37:47.690 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task59 = TAC Case Attachment Tool

    Line 72287: 07/05/12 10:37:47.691 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task60 = Handover Server Management

    Line 72288: 07/05/12 10:37:47.691 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task61 = Voice Audit Report

    Line 72289: 07/05/12 10:37:47.691 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task63 = Report Run History

    Line 72290: 07/05/12 10:37:47.692 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task64 = Compliance Reports

    Line 72291: 07/05/12 10:37:47.692 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task65 = Maps Read Only

    Line 72292: 07/05/12 10:37:47.692 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task66 = Disable Clients

    Line 72293: 07/05/12 10:37:47.693 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task67 = WIPS Service

    Line 72294: 07/05/12 10:37:47.693 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task68 = Security Reports

    Line 72295: 07/05/12 10:37:47.693 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task69 = Configure Spectrum Experts

    Line 72296: 07/05/12 10:37:47.693 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task70 = Appliance

    Line 72297: 07/05/12 10:37:47.694 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task71 = View Security Index Issues

    Line 72298: 07/05/12 10:37:47.694 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task72 = Home Menu Access

    Line 72299: 07/05/12 10:37:47.694 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task73 = Monitor WiFi TDOA Receivers

    Line 72300: 07/05/12 10:37:47.695 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task74 = Health Monitor Details

    Line 72301: 07/05/12 10:37:47.695 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task75 = ContextAware Reports

    Line 72302: 07/05/12 10:37:47.695 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task76 = User Preferences

    Line 72303: 07/05/12 10:37:47.696 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task77 = Guest Reports

    Line 72304: 07/05/12 10:37:47.696 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task78 = Logging

    Line 72305: 07/05/12 10:37:47.696 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task79 = Automated Feedback

    Line 72306: 07/05/12 10:37:47.696 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task80 = Identity Search Engine

    Line 72307: 07/05/12 10:37:47.697 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task81 = Delete and Clear Alerts

    Line 72308: 07/05/12 10:37:47.697 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task82 = Email Notification

    Line 72309: 07/05/12 10:37:47.697 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task83 = License Check

    Line 72310: 07/05/12 10:37:47.698 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task84 = Rogue Location

    Line 72311: 07/05/12 10:37:47.698 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task85 = Identify Unknown Users

    Line 72312: 07/05/12 10:37:47.698 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task86 = Reports Menu Access

    Line 72313: 07/05/12 10:37:47.699 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task87 = Configure ISE Servers

    Line 72314: 07/05/12 10:37:47.699 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task88 = Tools Menu Access

    Line 72315: 07/05/12 10:37:47.699 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task89 = Config Audit Dashboard

    Line 72316: 07/05/12 10:37:47.700 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task90 = Virtual Domain Management

    Line 72317: 07/05/12 10:37:47.700 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task91 = Monitor Ethernet Switches

    Line 72318: 07/05/12 10:37:47.700 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task92 = Configure Choke Points

    Line 72319: 07/05/12 10:37:47.700 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task93 = RRM Dashboard

    Line 72320: 07/05/12 10:37:47.701 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task94 = Diagnostic Information

    Line 72321: 07/05/12 10:37:47.701 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task95 = Planning Mode

    Line 72322: 07/05/12 10:37:47.701 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task96 = Configure Menu Access

    Line 72323: 07/05/12 10:37:47.702 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task97 = Ack and Unack Security Index Issues

    Line 72324: 07/05/12 10:37:47.702 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task98 = Pick and Unpick Alerts

    Line 72325: 07/05/12 10:37:47.702 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task99 = Ack and Unack Alerts

    Line 72326: 07/05/12 10:37:47.703 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] adding task: task100 = Auto Provisioning

    Line 72327: 07/05/12 10:37:47.703 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] Adding Basic and GLOBAL permissions for user

    Line 72328: 07/05/12 10:37:47.703 TRACE [aaa] [http-443-14] [RADIUS AAAModule] Total permissions for user user : tasks -->>  102 : roles -->> 1 : virtual-domains -->> 1

    Line 72329: 07/05/12 10:37:47.706 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72330: 07/05/12 10:37:47.707 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72331: 07/05/12 10:37:47.708 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72332: 07/05/12 10:37:47.710 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72333: 07/05/12 10:37:47.711 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72334: 07/05/12 10:37:47.712 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72335: 07/05/12 10:37:47.714 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72336: 07/05/12 10:37:47.715 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72337: 07/05/12 10:37:47.717 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72338: 07/05/12 10:37:47.719 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72339: 07/05/12 10:37:47.720 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72340: 07/05/12 10:37:47.722 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72341: 07/05/12 10:37:47.723 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72342: 07/05/12 10:37:47.728 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72343: 07/05/12 10:37:47.730 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72344: 07/05/12 10:37:47.731 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72345: 07/05/12 10:37:47.732 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72346: 07/05/12 10:37:47.734 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72347: 07/05/12 10:37:47.735 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72348: 07/05/12 10:37:47.737 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72349: 07/05/12 10:37:47.738 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72350: 07/05/12 10:37:47.739 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72351: 07/05/12 10:37:47.742 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72354: 07/05/12 10:37:47.744 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72355: 07/05/12 10:37:47.745 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72356: 07/05/12 10:37:47.747 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72357: 07/05/12 10:37:47.748 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72358: 07/05/12 10:37:47.750 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72359: 07/05/12 10:37:47.751 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72360: 07/05/12 10:37:47.752 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72361: 07/05/12 10:37:47.754 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72362: 07/05/12 10:37:47.758 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72363: 07/05/12 10:37:47.759 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72364: 07/05/12 10:37:47.760 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72365: 07/05/12 10:37:47.773 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72366: 07/05/12 10:37:47.774 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72367: 07/05/12 10:37:47.775 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72368: 07/05/12 10:37:47.777 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72369: 07/05/12 10:37:47.778 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72370: 07/05/12 10:37:47.779 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72371: 07/05/12 10:37:47.781 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72372: 07/05/12 10:37:47.782 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72373: 07/05/12 10:37:47.783 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72374: 07/05/12 10:37:47.793 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72375: 07/05/12 10:37:47.795 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72376: 07/05/12 10:37:47.796 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72377: 07/05/12 10:37:47.797 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72378: 07/05/12 10:37:47.799 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72379: 07/05/12 10:37:47.800 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72380: 07/05/12 10:37:47.801 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72381: 07/05/12 10:37:47.803 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72382: 07/05/12 10:37:47.804 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72383: 07/05/12 10:37:47.806 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72384: 07/05/12 10:37:47.808 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72385: 07/05/12 10:37:47.809 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72386: 07/05/12 10:37:47.810 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72387: 07/05/12 10:37:47.811 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72388: 07/05/12 10:37:47.813 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72389: 07/05/12 10:37:47.814 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72390: 07/05/12 10:37:47.815 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72391: 07/05/12 10:37:47.816 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72392: 07/05/12 10:37:47.818 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72393: 07/05/12 10:37:47.819 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72394: 07/05/12 10:37:47.820 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72395: 07/05/12 10:37:47.822 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72396: 07/05/12 10:37:47.824 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72397: 07/05/12 10:37:47.825 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72398: 07/05/12 10:37:47.826 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72399: 07/05/12 10:37:47.828 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72400: 07/05/12 10:37:47.829 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72401: 07/05/12 10:37:47.830 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72402: 07/05/12 10:37:47.831 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72403: 07/05/12 10:37:47.833 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72404: 07/05/12 10:37:47.834 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72405: 07/05/12 10:37:47.835 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72406: 07/05/12 10:37:47.836 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72407: 07/05/12 10:37:47.838 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72408: 07/05/12 10:37:47.839 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72409: 07/05/12 10:37:47.840 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72410: 07/05/12 10:37:47.842 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72411: 07/05/12 10:37:47.843 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72412: 07/05/12 10:37:47.844 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72413: 07/05/12 10:37:47.846 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72414: 07/05/12 10:37:47.847 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72415: 07/05/12 10:37:47.848 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72416: 07/05/12 10:37:47.849 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72417: 07/05/12 10:37:47.851 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72418: 07/05/12 10:37:47.852 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72419: 07/05/12 10:37:47.853 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72420: 07/05/12 10:37:47.854 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72421: 07/05/12 10:37:47.856 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72422: 07/05/12 10:37:47.857 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72423: 07/05/12 10:37:47.858 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72424: 07/05/12 10:37:47.860 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72425: 07/05/12 10:37:47.862 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72426: 07/05/12 10:37:47.863 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72427: 07/05/12 10:37:47.865 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72428: 07/05/12 10:37:47.866 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72429: 07/05/12 10:37:47.867 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72430: 07/05/12 10:37:47.868 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72431: 07/05/12 10:37:47.870 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72432: 07/05/12 10:37:47.873 INFO  [config] [http-443-14] readPrivilegeByName() successful

    Line 72433: 07/05/12 10:37:47.932 INFO  [system] [http-443-14] The Logout Session ID is: BB1C9FA8DA1F62E6FAA5881FB956F677

    Line 72434: 07/05/12 10:37:47.932 INFO  [system] [http-443-14] Exiting WebuiSessionListener:sessionDestroyed

    Line 72435: 07/05/12 10:37:48.163 INFO  [system] [http-443-14] Entering updateUserContainer

    Line 72436: 07/05/12 10:37:48.164 INFO  [system] [http-443-14] User:  user  has logged in successfully from IP:  on  Thu Jul 05 10:37:48 EDT 2012

    Line 72437: 07/05/12 10:37:48.164 INFO  [system] [http-443-14] The Login Session ID is:  516B0D91539D72AC85A7AD577EAF2AA7

    Line 72438: 07/05/12 10:37:48.165 INFO  [system] [http-443-14] Setting privileges and tasks.

    Line 72439: 07/05/12 10:37:48.168 INFO  [system] [http-443-14] Getting the defaultPartition

    Line 72461: 07/05/12 10:37:55.412 INFO  [system] [http-443-14] Entering updateUserContainer

    Line 72462: 07/05/12 10:37:55.413 INFO  [system] [http-443-14] User:  user  has logged in successfully from IP:  on  Thu Jul 05 10:37:55 EDT 2012

    Line 72463: 07/05/12 10:37:55.413 INFO  [system] [http-443-14] The Login Session ID is:  516B0D91539D72AC85A7AD577EAF2AA7

    Line 72464: 07/05/12 10:37:55.413 INFO  [system] [http-443-14] Setting privileges and tasks.

    Line 72465: 07/05/12 10:37:55.416 INFO  [system] [http-443-14] Getting the defaultPartition

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