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This document provides step by step instruction on getting started with Catalyst 8300 uCPE Edge platform.

Catalyst 8300 uCPE is a purpose built compute platform for networking use-cases. Following is a quick overview of hardware ports and best practice is to connect the physical ports identified below. 

C8300-uCPE connectionsC8300-uCPE connections

Initial setup and management

  • Power on the ENCS. Plug in the power cable and ensure that the power switch next to the power supply is turned on.

  • Remote-Console setup : You may want to make the physical connections in the rack and perform all the configurations from remote location. This would require serial console port as a starting point for configuration. CIMC Ethernet port is enabled for DHCP by default. For static address assignment, use the serial console connection and follow the steps. 

  • CIMC Ethernet connection : Connect the CIMC Ethernet port to a PC. HTTPS or SSH Access for chassis management with the IP address learnt/configured in the previous step.

  • Default username is "admin", default password is "password". Change the IP address, netmask, default gateway via admin->network settings GUI and move the Ethernet cable connection to lan switch.


C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B login: admin
Password: password
Default credentials were used for login.
Administrator password needs to be
changed for security purposes.
Enter current password:password
Please change the password...
Enter new password:xxxxxxxx
Re-enter new password:xxxxxxxx
Updating password...
Password updated successfully.
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B# scope cimc/network
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B /cimc/network # show detail
Network Setting:
IPv4 Enabled: yes
IPv4 Address:
IPv4 Netmask:
IPv4 Gateway:
DHCP Enabled: yes
DDNS Enabled: yes
DDNS Update Domain:
DDNS Refresh Interval(0-8736 Hr): 0
Obtain DNS Server by DHCP: yes
Preferred DNS:
Alternate DNS:
IPv6 Enabled: yes
IPv6 Address: ::
IPv6 Prefix: 64
IPv6 Gateway: fe80::1a80:90ff:fe62:9dcf
IPv6 Link Local: fe80::2df:1dff:fee0:11e4
IPv6 SLAAC Address: 2001:420:301:2022:2df:1dff:fee0:11e4
IPV6 DHCP Enabled: yes
IPV6 Obtain DNS Server by DHCP: yes
IPV6 Preferred DNS: ::
IPV6 Alternate DNS: ::
VLAN Enabled: no
VLAN Priority: 0
Port Profile:
Hostname: C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B
MAC Address: 00:DF:1D:E0:11:E4
NIC Mode: dedicated
NIC Redundancy: none
NIC Interface:
VIC Slot: 1
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B /cimc/network *#set dns-use-dhcp no
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B /cimc/network *#set dhcp-enabled no
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B /cimc/network # set v4-addr
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B /cimc/network *# set v4-netmask
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B /cimc/network *# set v4-gateway
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B /cimc/network *# commit
Changes to the network settings will be applied immediately.
You may lose connectivity to the CIMC and may have to log in again.
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B /cimc/network # show detail
Network Setting:
IPv4 Enabled: yes
IPv4 Address:
IPv4 Netmask:
IPv4 Gateway:
DHCP Enabled: no
DDNS Enabled: yes
DDNS Update Domain:
DDNS Refresh Interval(0-8736 Hr): 0
Obtain DNS Server by DHCP: no
Preferred DNS:
Alternate DNS:
IPv6 Enabled: yes
IPv6 Address: ::
IPv6 Prefix: 64
IPv6 Gateway: fe80::1a80:90ff:fe62:9dcf
IPv6 Link Local: fe80::2df:1dff:fee0:11e4
IPv6 SLAAC Address: 2001:420:301:2022:2df:1dff:fee0:11e4
IPV6 DHCP Enabled: yes
IPV6 Obtain DNS Server by DHCP: yes
IPV6 Preferred DNS: ::
IPV6 Alternate DNS: ::
VLAN Enabled: no
VLAN Priority: 0
Port Profile:
Hostname: C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B
MAC Address: 00:DF:1D:E0:11:E4
NIC Mode: dedicated
NIC Redundancy: none
NIC Interface:
VIC Slot: 0
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B /cimc/network # ping
Press CTRL+C to stop.
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=255 time=1.000 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=255 time=0.000 ms
64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=255 time=0.000 ms

--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.000/0.333/1.000 ms
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B /cimc/network #

  • Configure Boot Order

Configure boot order via CIMC CLI


C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B# scope bios
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B /bios # set boot-order uefimap,uefios,efi
To manage boot-order:
- Reboot server to have your boot-order settings take place
- Do not disable boot options via BIOS screens
- If a specified device type is not seen by the BIOS, it will be removed
from the boot order configured on the BMC
- Your boot order sequence will be applied subject to the previous rule.
The configured list will be appended by the additional device types
seen by the BIOS
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B /bios *# commit
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B /bios # show detail
BIOS Version: C83uCPE_0.11sb
BIOS Flash: 0
Backup BIOS Version: C83uCPE_0.11sb
Backup BIOS Flash: 1
BIOS Post Complete: 1
FW Update Status: None, OK
Password: ******
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B /bios #

Configure boot order via CIMC GUI

Login to CIMC IP address configured in previous step and select the CIMC Menu in the top left corner
Select Compute->BIOS->Configure Boot order
boot orderboot order

Install NFVIS Cisco_NFVIS-4.12.1-EFT2.iso from Cisco Software Download Site

Method 1.1 : Using CIMC CLI, Image upload from FTP location. Power cycle x86 : Start installation with the mapped .iso


C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B# scope host-image-mapping
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B /host-image-mapping # show detail
Current Mapped Image : None
Host Image Status: None
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B /host-image-mapping # download-image FTP NFV/Cisco_NFVIS-4.12.1-EFT2.iso
Username: anonymous
Password: Image download has started.
Please check the status using "show detail".
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B /host-image-mapping # show detail
Current Mapped Image : None
Host Image Status: "Downloading ..Please wait: 28.3%"
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B /host-image-mapping # show detail
Current Mapped Image : None
Host Image Status: Processing Image.....please wait
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B /host-image-mapping # show detail
Current Mapped Image : None
Host Image Status: Image Downloaded and Processed Successfully
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B /host-image-mapping # show filelist
Index Name
----- ---------------------------------------------
1 Cisco_NFVIS-4.12.1-EFT2.iso
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B /host-image-mapping # map-image Cisco_NFVIS-4.12.1-EFT2.iso
Please check the status using "show detail".
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B /host-image-mapping # show detail
Current Mapped Image : Cisco_NFVIS-4.12.1-EFT2.iso
Host Image Status: Image mapped successfully, set CDROM as the Boot device.
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B /host-image-mapping # show filelist detail
Index: 1
Name: Cisco_NFVIS-4.12.1-EFT2.iso
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2023 06:01:25 GMT
MD5: 53f9d44d95b4daffe1389ff4247ebde1
Size: 2615343104
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B /host-image-mapping #
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B /bios # top
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B# scope chassis
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B /chassis # power cycle
This operation will change the server's power state.
Do you want to continue?[y|N]y
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B /chassis # top
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B# scope sol
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B /sol # set enabled yes
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B /sol *# commit
C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B /sol # connect host
CISCO Serial Over LAN:
Press Ctrl+x to Exit the session

Method 2.1 : Using CIMC GUI, Image upload from Local Desktop. Power cycle x86 : Start installation with the mapped .iso

  • Connect to CIMC web interface and bringup the KVM console (With CIMC version 3.1.x and later, a HTML based KVM console can be launched)

  • Virtual Media--> vKVM Mapped vDVD

  • Select the NFVIS iso file (iso can be downloaded from this link). The latest available NFVIS version is 4.12.1

  • Click on Map Drive

  • Power cycle system (cold boot)

  • Proceed with the installation of NFVIS software.
  • Change Admin password from default admin:Admin123#

Method 2.2 : Using CIMC GUI, Image upload from FTP location

Login to CIMC GUI using https://<cimc_ip_address>


NFVIS console can be accessed with via following methods and configure IP-Address to . All subequent NFVIS configuration can be done via NFVIS GUI.

  • Dedicated Serial console port
  • CIMC CLI via serial console port
  • CIMC GUI->KVM console via Ethernet MGMT CIMC port

Access NFVIS console via dedicated mini-USB(using mini-USB to RJ45 serial adaptor) or via CIMC CLI



                                                                           C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B# scope sol
                                                                           C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B /sol # set enabled yes
                                                                           C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B /sol *# commit
                                                                           C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B# connect host
                                                                           CISCO Serial Over LAN:
                                                                           Press Ctrl+x to Exit the session

C8300-UCPE-1N20-FGL2722LF0B# connect host
CISCO Serial Over LAN:
Press Ctrl+x to Exit the session
login: admin
Warning: Permanently added 'localhost' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
admin@localhost's password:
Cisco Network Function Virtualization Infrastructure Software (NFVIS)

NFVIS Version: 4.12.1-EFT2

Copyright (c) 2015-2023 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Cisco, Cisco Systems, and Cisco Systems logo are registered trademarks of Cisco
Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and certain other countries.

The copyrights to certain works contained in this software are owned by other
third parties and used and distributed under third party license agreements.
Certain components of this software are licensed under the GNU GPL 2.0, GPL 3.0,
LGPL 2.1, LGPL 3.0 and AGPL 3.0.

admin connected from ::1 using ssh on nfvis
admin logged with default credentials
Setting admin password will disable zero touch deployment behaviors.
Do you wish to proceed? [y or n]y
Please provide a password which satisfies the following criteria:
1.At least one lowercase character
2.At least one uppercase character
3.At least one number
4.At least one special character from # _ - * ?
5.Length should be between 7 and 128 characters
Please reset the password :
Please reenter the password :

Resetting admin password

New admin password is set

System message at 2023-06-26 05:51:45...
Commit performed by system via system using system.
nfvis# config t
Entering configuration mode terminal
nfvis(config)# system setting wan ip address
nfvis(config)# system settings default-gw
nfvis(config)# commit
Commit complete.
nfvis(config)# end
nfvis# ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=51 time=2.66 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=51 time=2.10 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=51 time=2.45 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=51 time=3.18 ms
nfvis# show system settings-native | include "wan"
system settings-native wan active-dhcp none
system settings-native wan ip-info interface wan-br
system settings-native wan ip-info ipv4_address
system settings-native wan ip-info netmask
system settings-native wan ip-info link-local ipv6 address fe80::2df:1dff:fee0:11ec
system settings-native wan ip-info link-local ipv6 prefixlen 64
system settings-native wan ip-info global ipv6 address ::
system settings-native wan ip-info global ipv6 prefixlen 0
system settings-native wan ip-info mac_address 00:df:1d:e0:11:ec
system settings-native wan ip-info mtu 9216
system settings-native wan ip-info txqueuelen 1000
system settings-native wan ip-info secondary-ip
system settings-native wan ip-info secondary-ip-netmask
system settings-native wan stats rx_packets 668593
system settings-native wan stats rx_bytes 619860439
system settings-native wan stats rx_errors 0
system settings-native wan stats rx_dropped 193
system settings-native wan stats rx_overruns 0
system settings-native wan stats rx_frame 0
system settings-native wan stats tx_packets 9967
system settings-native wan stats tx_bytes 3619801
system settings-native wan stats tx_errors 0
system settings-native wan stats tx_dropped 0
system settings-native wan stats tx_overruns 0
system settings-native wan stats tx_carrier 0
system settings-native wan stats tx_collisions 0
system settings-native wan vlan tag untagged
system settings-native wan dhcp disabled
system settings-native wan dhcp-ipv6 disabled
system settings-native wan slaac-ipv6 disabled
system settings-native gateway interface wan-br

Access NFVIS console using CIMC GUI->KVM


Verify successful installation


nfvis# show platform
C8300-B24# show platform
platform-detail hardware_info Manufacturer "Cisco Systems, Inc."
platform-detail hardware_info PID C8300-UCPE-1N20
platform-detail hardware_info SN FGL2722LF0B
platform-detail hardware_info hardware-version M6
platform-detail hardware_info UUID 00df1de0-11e4-0000-2caa-5589048bd2f8
platform-detail hardware_info Version 4.12.1-EFT2
platform-detail hardware_info Compile_Time "Thursday, June 22, 2023 [20:30:44 UTC]"
platform-detail hardware_info CPU_Information "Intel(R) Xeon(R) D-2796NT CPU @ 2.00GHz 20 cores"
platform-detail hardware_info Memory_Information "32304128 kB"
platform-detail hardware_info Disk_Size "600 GB"
platform-detail hardware_info CIMC_IP NA
platform-detail hardware_info Entity-Name "C8300 UCPE"
platform-detail hardware_info Entity-Desc "Cisco Catalyst 8300 Series Edge UCPE"
platform-detail hardware_info BIOS-Version C8300-uCPE_0.11sb.050820231545
platform-detail hardware_info CIMC-Version
platform-detail software_packages Kernel_Version 4.18.0-372.9.1.el8.x86_64
platform-detail software_packages QEMU_Version 6.2.0
platform-detail software_packages LibVirt_Version 8.0.0
platform-detail software_packages OVS_Version 2.17.3
platform-detail switch_detail UUID NA
platform-detail switch_detail Type NA
platform-detail switch_detail Name NA
platform-detail switch_detail Ports 0
GE0-0 physical Twisted Pair up 1000 9216 00:df:1d:e0:11:ec 89:00.4
GE0-1 physical Twisted Pair up 1000 9216 00:df:1d:e0:11:ed 89:00.5
GE0-2 physical Twisted Pair up 1000 9216 00:df:1d:e0:11:ee 89:00.6
GE0-3 physical Fibre down 0 9216 00:df:1d:e0:11:f0 89:00.0
GE0-4 physical Fibre down 0 9216 00:df:1d:e0:11:f1 89:00.1
GE0-5 physical Other down 0 9216 00:df:1d:e0:11:f2 89:00.2
GE0-6 physical Fibre down 0 9216 00:df:1d:e0:11:f3 89:00.3

nfvis# show system status
NAME                            STATUS           TYPE
lan-net                           OK                  default-network
wan-net                         OK                  default-network
wan2-net                       OK                  default-network
lan-br                             OK                 default-bridge
wan-br                           OK                 default-bridge
wan2-br                         OK                 default-bridge
pnic                                OK                 interfaces
confd                              OK                 default-service
nfvos-confd                    OK                 default-service
auth                                OK                 default-service
postgresql                       OK                default-service
vm_lifecycle                    OK                default-service
nginx                               OK                default-service
tomcat                             OK                default-service
collectd                            OK               default-service
libvirtd                              OK               default-service
vbmd                                OK              default-service
pnp                                   OK              default-service
host-notifications               OK             default-service
vm_lifecycle-notifications   OK             default-service
notifications-daemon          OK             default-service
vm_lifecycle-syslog            OK             default-service
rbac                                    OK             default-service
ovs-vswitchd                      OK             default-service
viptelanotifier                      OK             default-service
vDaemon                            OK             default-service
secureBootLevel                 secure        boot
chassis-inventory-manager OK             platform-service
cwan-confd                        OK             platform-service
chassis_mgrd                     OK             platform-service
/                                         OK             disk-usage
/boot                                  OK             disk-usage
/data                                   OK            disk-usage
/var                                     OK            disk-usage
/var/log                               OK             disk-usage
/boot/efi                              OK             disk-usage

After the system setting configuration in NFVIS, the NFVIS local portal is accessible via GE0-0 or GE0-2 Ethernet connection.

NFVIS default Network settings for C8300-uCPE platform:

C8300-uCPE nfvis default settingsC8300-uCPE nfvis default settings

1. NFVIS can be accessed by default via the FPGE WAN ports or via the GE0-2 LAN port for Management

2. WAN network (wan-net) and a WAN bridge (wan-br) is set by default to enable DHCP. GE0-0 is by default associated to WAN bridge

3. WAN network (wan2-net) and a WAN bridge (wan2-br) is created by default but not associated with any physical ports

4. GE0-2 is associated to LAN bridge, all other ports are not associated with OVS

5. The Management IP on C8300-uCPE is accessible via GE0-2

6. An internal management network (int-mgmt-net) and a bridge (int-mgmt-br) is created and is internally used for system monitoring.

Create networks for service chain

By default lan-net, wan-net and wan2-net are created. additional networks can be created for service chaining. In the following example, mgmt-net and service-net are created for subsequent VNF connections. 

Create OVS networks for VNF service chainingCreate OVS networks for VNF service chaining

Upload and Register C8000v VNF package

C8000v image for NFVIS can be downloaded from Cisco Software downloads site.  In cases where a vendor does not publish  image package for NFVIS, user would build the package. Instructions to build image package for NFVIS

Next step is to ensure that the image package for NFVIS is uploaded in the local repository. Image Registration is attempted automatically.

Upload and Register VNF PackageUpload and Register VNF Package

Deploy C8000v

Deploy C8000vDeploy C8000v


Access C8000v via SSH

VNF access via NFVIS port forwardingVNF access via NFVIS port forwarding

Following is an example

of deploying a ubuntu linux from .iso format using NFVIS 4.12.x


Manage and Monitor VNF using NFVIS 4.12.x



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