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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) peer groups are used to simplify router configuration and management. This occurs when the same routing policies are applicable to multiple peers. Peers that share common policies are made members of a peer group. The common policies are then applied to the peer group instead of applying them to each peer individually. This avoids configuration replication and provides increased performance. Instead of carrying out policy checks while sending updates to each peer individually, the policy check takes place only once for the peer group. The update is then sent to all members of the peer group.


To configure peer groups, create a peer group and specify the BGP neighbors that are part of the peer group.

Perform these steps:

  1. To create and name a BGP peer group, issue the neighbor peer-group (creating) command in router configuration mode.
  2. To specify a BGP neighbor to be a member of the peer group, issue the neighbor peer-group (assigning members) command in router configuration mode.
  3. Configure the routing policies and other configuration options that need to be applied to all members of the peer group.

For more information, refer to these documents:

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