How to disable or enable Telnet access to Wireless LAN Solution Engine.
Enabling Telnet and Selecting SSH Type
Telnet can be used for connecting to the WLSE through the CLI. By default, Telnet is disabled, which prevents unsecure connections through the CLI.
SSH is enabled by default. SSH provides a secure Telnet connection, encrypting all traffic, including passwords. By default, both SSH1 and SSH2 are used.
Note Your login determines whether you can use this option.
- Step 1 Select Admin > Appliance > Security > SSH and Telnet.
- Step 2 To change the type of SSH used, select the desired SSH version from Select Protocol, then click Change Protocol.
- Step 3 To enable or disable Telnet, make a selection from Telnet, then click Configure.
Changes occur immediately.
More Information
Managing Security
You can manage the WLSE's by using the options under Admin > Appliance > Security: