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A Catalyst 3750 Switch Stack can be managed either with the web device manager or with the CLI. If you manage the switch with the CLI, you do not need the .tar image.

This procedure explains how to copy and upgrade the new IOS  in the Catalyst 3750 Switch Stack assuming that you have already configured the Catalyst 3750 Switch Stack with an IOS image. The Catalyst 3750 Switch Stack has two switches and the IOS image is located at the TFTP server.

Complete these steps:

  1. Download the .bin image which is available for download on the LAN Switching Software page.

  2. Verify the available memory. You can verify the available memory in the Flash file system of both switches individually by using the command dir flash1:dir flash2: respectively.

  3. Copy the images to the Flash file system using copy tftp: flash1:  and copy tftp: flash2: respectively.

  4. Configure the boot variable using the command boot system switch all flash:/image_name.bin

  5. Verify the boot variable before the reload using the show boot, dir flash1: and dir flash2: commands.

  6. Reload the stack using the reload command and verify using the show version command.

For detailed information, refer to the Upgrade a 3750 Series Switch Stack with the CLI (.bin Image) section of Catalyst 3750 Software Upgrade in a Stack Configuration with Use of the Command-Line Interface.

For upgrading a 3550 switch, refer to the Step-by-Step Procedure for the 3550 with Use of Only the Cisco IOS Image (.bin File) section of Upgrading Software Images on Catalyst 3550 Series Switches Using the Command Line Interface.

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