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Level 10

Core issue

For information on how to install, launch, and connect to the Cisco Network Assistant (CNA) tool, refer to Installing, Launching, and Connecting Network Assistant.


To upgrade the software image on a Cisco Catalyst Switch with the help of CNA, perform these steps:

  1. Launch the CNA tool. 
  2. In the Connect window, select Connect to
  3. Type the IP address of the switch. 
  4. Click Connect. A prompt for the username and password is displayed. 
  5. Type the user name and correct password. 
  6. Click OK
  7. On the left pane, click the Maintenance option under the Features tab. 
  8. Select the Software Upgrade option. The Software Upgrade window is displayed. 
  9. Check the Upgrade check box. 
  10. Click the Upgrade Settings tab. The Upgrade Settings window is displayed. The mode is set to Standard by default. 
  11. Browse to the TAR file. 
  12. Select the TAR file, and click OK.
    Note: Only TAR Files can be installed when CNA is used to upgrade the switch. 
  13. Click Upgrade. To verify the status of the upgrade process, click the Status tab. When the upgrade process is complete, a Software Upgrade pop-up message is displayed. The message contains the text, "Do you want to reload the successfully upgraded devices?" 
  14. Select YES to implement the new software right away through a reload.
    Caution: Schedule a downtime because the network goes down temporarily during the switch reload.
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