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Level 10
Level 10

Core issue

This issue happens when installing Catalyst 4000 modules (for example, WS-X4148-RJ45V, WS-X4148-RJ) in slot 10 of the Catalyst 4510R chassis.

The Catalyst 4510R switch supports the Supervisor Engine V and V-10GE. The Supervisor Engine has a nonblocking, full-duplex, switching fabric that provides connections between the Supervisor Engine and the switching modules.

Slot 1 is reserved for the Supervisor Engine only, which provides switching, local and remote management, and switch-status monitoring. Slot 2 is reserved for a redundant Supervisor Engine only. Slots 3 through 9 are available for switching modules.

When using a Supervisor Engine V, slot 10 is a flex-slot for use with the 2-port Gigabit Ethernet switching module (WS-X4302-GB) or the Access Gateway Module (WS-X4604-GWY) only.


To resolve this issue, try any of the resolutions steps.

  1. Use a Supervisor Engine V-10GE, which supports any module in slot 10.  
  2. Use Gigabit Ethernet switching module (WS-X4302-GB) or the Access Gateway Module (WS-X4604-GWY) if you are using Supervisor Engine V.

For more information, refer to Catalyst 4510R Switch Chassis Features.

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