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Level 10
Level 10


The power management features can be categorized in this way:

  • Power Redundancy

    In systems with redundant power supplies, it is recommended that both power supplies be of the same wattage. The Cisco Catalyst 4000 family of switches allow for the mixture of AC-input and DC-input power supplies in the same chassis.

In order to set the power redundancy mode, perform this procedure:

1. Enter configuration mode.

2. Issue the power supplies required {1 | 2} command in order to set the power redundancy mode.

3. Issue the show power command in order to verify the power redundancy mode and the current power usage for the switch.

  • Configure Inline Power

If the switch has a module table to provide inline power to end stations, each interface on the module can be set to automatically detect and apply inline power (when required by the end station).

In order to set an interface to automatically detect an end station that requires power, and apply the inline power, perform this procedure:

1. Select the interface to configure.

2. Issue the power inline {auto | never} command in order to set the interface to automatically detect when an end device requires power and apply inline power if necessary. Use the never keyword in order to disable detection and power for the inline-power capable interface.

3. Exit configuration mode.

4. Issue the show power inline command in order to display the inline power state for the switch.

Environmental monitoring of chassis components provides early-warning indications of possible component failures. This ensures safe and reliable system operation and avoids network interruptions. The monitoring of these critical system components allows for identification and rapid correction of hardware-related problems in the system.

Issue the show environment [alarm | status | temperature] command in order to display system status information.

Refer to Power Management and Environmental Monitoring for detailed information.

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