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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

ThousandEyes is a powerful SaaS platform that gives a digital picture of enterprise infrastructure, formed by test views, alerts, dashboards, and other components.

This article will demonstrate how to quickly and easily display the ratio of alerting cases, with the desired time interval, by creating a ThousandEyes Dashboard Widget of the Number type.

Section 1: Preparing the data.

We'll work with four test examples in this article, where two are generating alerts and the other two are not. They are named as follows:

  • Test-Alert-1, Test-Alert-2: These two consistently trigger alerts due to their preset settings.
  • Test-NO-Alert-1, Test-NO-Alert-2: These two tests do not trigger alerts.

All four tests are grouped under the label KB_Label.

Let's observe their appearance within CEA-Test Settings:

Tests List.png

The Task requires creating a Dashboard Widget Number Card to display the percentage ratio of tests triggering alerts.

Follow along with the instructions on the following screenshots:

2 Add Widget.png

[1] Navigate to Dashboards.

[2] Select "Add Widget"


3 Widget Number.png

[3] Select Widget type "Number"


4 Edit Number 1.png

[4]  Choose "Alerts" as the data source.

[5] Select the Metric.

[6] Specify the measure for alerts.

[7] Name the Card.

5 Edit Number 2.png

[8] Choose the relevant tests whose data will be used in the Card calculation.

Tip: utilize labeling to organize your tests and access them quickly:

6 Edit Number 3.png

To add interest to the experiment, I generated four Cards with the following objectives:

7 Dulicate Cards.png

[9] Card1-pass1 settings:

Data source: Alerts
Metric: all alerts
Measure: % Active
Test selected: 1st non-alerting test

[10] Card2-pass1-pass2 settings:

Data source: Alerts
Metric: All Alerts
Measure: Total
Test selected: All 4 tests

[11] Card3-fail1 settings:

Data source: Alerts
Metric: All Alerts
Measure: % Inactive
Test selected: 1st alerting test

[12] Card4 - fail1 fail2 pass1 pass2 settings:

Data source: Alerts
Metric: All Alerts
Measure: % Active
Test selected: 1st and 2nd alerting test, 1st and 2nd non-alerting tests

Section 2: Findings.

With the cards are configured, the next step is to let them run. In this scenario, I allowed 14 days to generate data for us to review together. Let's examine what they display and review the details of each!

After two weeks, the four cards appear on my dashboard as follows:

8 All Cards.png

Card1-pass1: on the Dashboard, we observe that 0% of tests triggered alerts, yet 1 test is indicated as selected for calculation:

9 Card 1 result.png

Card2-pass1-pass2: It's evident that a total of 9 alerts were triggered by 2 out of the 4 selected tests:

10 Card 2 result.png

Card3-fail1: displays the percentage ratio of inactive alerts triggered by one test.

11 Card 3 result.png

Card4 - fail1 fail2 pass1 pass2: displays the percentage ratio calculated from the data of four selected tests:

12 Card 4 result.png

If you have any inquiries or require assistance, please open a chat with ThousandEyes Customer Support, we're here to assist! Here is an article on getting in touch with us in only a few seconds.

Reference of useful ThousandEyes resources:





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