05-30-2023 02:28 PM - edited 05-30-2023 02:31 PM
Depending on how your account is set up, one of these links should work.
If neither of those work, you’ll l have to get in touch with the ThousandEyes Customer Engineering team.
The registration link is single use. Try one of these links:
https://app.thousandeyes.com/login or
If those fail, you can always try resetting your password, but it only works once a day: https://app.thousandeyes.com/password-reset.
If nothing else works, get in touch with the customer engineering team.
We do not give out the passwords to our agents. However, we do have a pseudo setup to allow some basic maintenance commands to be executed. We can join you on a Webex call to run commands that do not substantially change your agent.
NOTE: Changes which require unlocking the Virtual Appliance will not be supported by ThousandEyes. A Virtual Appliance which becomes inaccessible, unstable, or otherwise unusable after such changes will require reinstallation of the Virtual Appliance.
To reset your password, use this link: https://app.thousandeyes.com/password-reset
If you get a message that the account is locked, you’ll have to speak to someone on the customer engineering team to help with the reset.
Here’s where you can find out all about account groups and how to manage them. https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/user-management/account-groups/what-is-an-account-group
Instructions on how to access your Account Group Token can be found in this document:
Note: if you update or regenerate the Account Group Token, all agents will go offline until they have been reset with the new token.
You can delete users by clicking on the trashcan in the user’s tab under account settings.
You can add users and update their roles through "Account Settings" > "Users and Roles" Tab. https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/user-management/rbac/working-with-account-settings#users-tab
You might find this page on adding and modifying users helpful:
And here’s a page that explains role-based access: https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/user-management/role-based-access-control-explained
All the users registered in the ThousandEyes portal require a local password. It’s so the system doesn’t break when a user’s changed from a role that only lets SSO logins to one that also allows local credentials to be used.
All three provided roles allow both SSO and local logins.
There aren’t any limits for the number of users in an organization.
The user activity on your account can be found in the Activity Log under "Account Settings" > "Activity Log"
The Activity Log can be downloaded by clicking the button 'Download' on the top right side of the page.
It can also be pulled by API, please refer to:
Internet Insights isn’t available with trial accounts. You can request a demonstration with the “Schedule a Demo” or “Schedule Meeting” button on the ThousandEyes homepage. https://www.thousandeyes.com/request-demo/
There are a couple of ways to get an overview.
Here are a couple of links for working with and customizing your dashboard:
Yes, you can embed widgets in external websites. Check it out here:
Our Cloud Agent IP addresses can be listed two ways.
When an organization has run out of (zero) endpoint agent licenses, the Endpoint Agent menu option is suppressed.
Instructions on working with Enterprise Agent Clusters can be found in the link here: https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/global-vantage-points/enterprise-agents/managing/working-with-enterprise-agent-clusters
An Enterprise Agent may need to be reset if it was cloned from an existing Agent, or if the Account Group Token needs to be updated. https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/global-vantage-points/enterprise-agents/managing/resetting-an-enterprise-agent
Enterprise Agent images for different package deployments can be downloaded from within the ThousandEyes Portal at "Cloud & Enterprise Agents" > "Agent Settings", "Enterprise Agents" tab, "Agents" tab, "Add New Enterprise Agent" button.
As a shortcut when you are logged in, this link will take you to all the package types and images available for our VM deployments. https://app.thousandeyes.com/settings/agents/enterprise/?section=agents&add-agent
Specific instructions for the type of install you wish to do can be found at https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/global-vantage-points/enterprise-agents/installing
Currently, we only offer Enterprise Agents via Docker on x86 and Cisco platforms. Here are the installation instructions:
While we would like to be able to support every operating system and every version, security and resource issues require us to focus on a limited number of Operating Systems and Versions.
Details about currently supported Operating Systems and system requirements can be at: https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/global-vantage-points/enterprise-agents/installing/supported-enterprise-agent-operating-systems
Details about the access needed for our various types of Enterprise Agents can be found at: https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/global-vantage-points/enterprise-agents/configuring/firewall-configuration-for-enterprise-agents
Additional access required by Endpoint Agents can be found here: https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/global-vantage-points/endpoint-agents/installing/system-requirements#network-connections
When a reset of the password on a Virtual Appliances needs to be reset, this can be done from the management console following our guidelines here: https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/global-vantage-points/enterprise-agents/configuring/password-reset-on-the-virtual-appliance
For AWS we support IaaS: https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/global-vantage-points/enterprise-agents/installing/iaas-enterprise-agent-deployment-amazon-aws
Currently we don't support deploying in Azure or GCP natively, but agents can still be deployed in those clouds as long as requirements are met: https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/global-vantage-points/enterprise-agents/installing/supported-enterprise-agent-operating-systems
You can find information on enabling TCP support for Windows please see this article: https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/global-vantage-points/endpoint-agents/installing/endpoint-agent-installation-reference#tcp-support-for-windows
With the Endpoint agents there are a couple reasons we don't turn off auto updates:
Endpoint Agents are only supported on Windows and Mac currently. The following system requirements shows which OS's we support for Endpoint Agent installation: https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/global-vantage-points/endpoint-agents/installing/system-requirements
For Linux, an Enterprise Agent can be installed. See this page for OS requirements: https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/global-vantage-points/enterprise-agents/installing/supported-enterprise-agent-operating-systems
Endpoint Agent Browser Extensions can be added using these instructions: https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/global-vantage-points/endpoint-agents/installing/install-the-browser-extension
We have detailed the installations for how to install an Enterprise Agent on a Cisco Catalyst 9000 series switch in the link below: https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/global-vantage-points/enterprise-agents/installing/docker-agent-installation-for-cisco-catalyst-9000-series-switches
Here's a video tutorial on how to download and install an OVA based Enterprise Agent: https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/global-vantage-points/enterprise-agents/installing/enterprise-agent-deployment-using-thousandeyes-virtual-appliance-ova
More helpful information: https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/global-vantage-points/enterprise-agents/installing/how-to-set-up-the-virtual-appliance
Currently we only support image-based Enterprise Agent installation on Raspberry Pi 4B. https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/global-vantage-points/enterprise-agents/installing/installing-an-enterprise-agent-on-raspberry-pi
If during installation and configuration DHCP is set, the new Raspberry Pi-based Enterprise Agent will be plug-and-play.
Only our Cloud and Enterprise based Agent to Agent tests provide UDP tests. https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/internet-and-wan-monitoring/tests/network-tests/agent-to-agent-test-overview
How to work with our Path Visualization view: https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/getting-started/getting-started-with-path-visualization
If you would more details on how we gather Path Visualization data. this might be helpful: https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/advanced-troubleshooting/network-tests-explained#path-visualization
Here is a video tutorial on creating Enterprise tests:
Here is a video demo: https://www.thousandeyes.com/resources/dns-tests-tutorial
DNS Testing can be run using our DNS Server, DNS Trace and DNSSEC tests https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/tests/guide-to-thousandeyes-test-types#dns-layer.
ThousandEyes tests will also show other layers of testing and include those options in the Advanced Settings. Get more details on test settings at https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/tests/working-with-test-settings#dns-layer-tests
In advanced settings, network testing options are available to ascertain those metrics. So, when you run a DNS Server test, you are also running a Network Test. Network tests explained: https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/advanced-troubleshooting/network-tests-explained
The ownership of a test can be changed using the following process: https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/tests/changing-ownership-of-a-test
Both Enterprise and Endpoint tests can be duplicated and modified.
Enterprise Agents https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/internet-and-wan-monitoring/tests/working-with-test-settings#with-tests-configure
Note: If you change the duplicated Enterprise test's type, all configured test settings will be cleared.
Test Snapshots can be created and shared using the instructions in the link below:
You can monitor reachability with our Cloud and Enterprise Agents using an HTTP server test or with a scheduled test on an endpoint agent.
ThousandEyes uses usage-based billing so that their customers have more flexibility in test deployment. Each test consumes a specific number of test units, based on the test type and the test configuration. To check out the details and links to pricing, etc. you might want to just go to the article: https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/thousandeyes-basics/how-unit-consumption-works
Errors on starting the ThousandEyes Recorder IDE are often caused by the OAuth Bearer Token not being setup. The instructions for set-up can be found at https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/user-management/rbac/working-with-account-settings#profile-tab
If that doesn't fix the problem, here's some additional information on opening the ThousandEyes recorder: https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/browser-synthetics/transaction-tests/thousandeyes-recorder
No, ThousandEyes doesn’t use iNotify OE IMPACT & IMPACT ERM.
Endpoint data is available for up to 90 days in the dashboards, and for 30 days via the API. https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/global-vantage-points/endpoint-agents/endpoint-agent-faq
To save an event for 90+ days: https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/user-management/user-activity/retaining-data-beyond-the-90-day-limit .
For information about and examples of ThousandEyes API support, visit the developer page. ThousandEyes API: https://developer.thousandeyes.com/v6/
To create an alert rule for a device:
For more information on creating and editing alerts rules: https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/alerts/creating-and-editing-alert-rules
For email notifications we are using two dedicated IP addresses with our partner Sendgrid: and
We don't expect these IP addresses to change anytime soon, but it's possible they could change sometime in the future.
There are no restrictions on the number of email addresses that can be configured to receive alert notifications.
Webhooks send event data in the JSON format. You can see an example of this data in the link below: https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/alerts/using-webhooks-server-sample-code-included#sample-webhook-event-payloads
Alert Rules assigned to the original test remain assigned to the shared test in the source account group. If Alert Rules are needed for the test in the target account group, they must be created in the target account group and then assigned to the test. https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/tests/changing-ownership-of-a-test#changing-ownership
Email addresses to be used for Alert Notifications can be updated in the notification tab for each test. https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/alerts/creating-and-editing-alert-rules#notifications-tab
Under the Notifications tab for each alert there is a checkbox for "Send an email when the alert clears". Here is some more information: https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/alerts/creating-and-editing-alert-rules#notifications-tab
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