Core issue
You are unable to access a Catalyst switch with the web-based device manager or web interface utility if the image in the switch is a .bin version of Cisco IOS . The .bin file is used only if you want to use the CLI to manage the switch.
If this is not the case, then the issue can be due to the Management VLAN.
If you want to manage switches or clusters of switches through a web interface such as HTML, you need to download the .tar file, which is an archive file. The upgrade process automatically extracts both the Cisco IOS image and the Cluster Management Suite (CMS) files from the .tar file.
The .tar images can be downloaded from Cisco Downloads.
Note: If free space available in flash: is less than the image size, then you possibly have to delete one of the existing Cisco IOS files or backup the files to a TFTP server in order to save the new .tar file in flash:. This is because .tar files are larger than the regular .bin images.
Refer to the Step-by-Step Procedure for the 3550 with Use of the CMS Image (.tar File) section of Upgrading Software Images on Catalyst 3550 Series Switches Using the Command Line Interface for more information on the upgrade procedure.
Make sure the Management VLAN ID is assigned an IP Address and it exists with the show vlan command. Use the show interfaces command in order to display the administrative and operational status of all interfaces or a specified interface, which should be UP/UP.
You can create a VLAN with the vlan VLAN configuration command and issue the no shutdown command.