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Level 10
Level 10

Core issue

Whenever the ports are configured for 100Mbps/Full-duplex, the IP phone does not power up. However, when the port is set to auto/auto it does power up.


This is not an IOS  bug or IOS defect. It is by design.

Hence, in order to power up PoE devices (including access points), speed and duplex settings on the switch need to be set to auto/auto mode.

Level 1
Level 1

i seen like probems  that a computer would only connect half duplx

to force it to run full it had be hardcoded in the swich

i think u awaser quistion your self the phones dont support full duplex

this could be do to ios firmware probem cable probem or phones set at

this speed hardcoded,

cables is some times most likey probems but ios probems as well

if possable see if get cheep swich run out side pow see of swich wont go full duplex

if it dose its in firmware of one or other device  and i seen this probem a lot by default swich should be hardcoded to fastest settings but some devices wont handle it  updateing firmware or maybe cable may fix it

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