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This document explains the command show ip ospf traffic in OSPFv2 and OSPFv3. The command show ip ospf traffic helps in troubleshooting the OSPF process in more efficient way by displaying the detailed traffic statistics for the OSPF network.


The OSPF traffic statistics are collected and displayed to include the following information: 


  • OSPF Hello input queue and OSPF process queue status and statistics.
  • Global OSPF traffic statistics.
  • Per-OSPF-interface traffic statistics.
  • Per-OSPF-process traffic statistics.


In case of instability in a OSPF network, the OSPF process queue status and its statistical information can help us to determine how much traffic can be sent to OSPF i.e. the amount of traffic handled by and OSPF process can be determined with this output.


Also the OSPF packet header errors and LSA errors statistics help in having a record of different types of errors found in the OSPF packets.



In case of typical local network environments which has slow links and frequent topology changes occurs, you can monitor the amount of  traffic control exchanged between the OSPF process.


Show IP Traffic In OSPFv2


To display the OSPF traffic statistics in a typical OSPFv2 network, use the command show ip ospf traffic


R1#show ip ospf traffic


OSPF statistics:

  Last clearing of OSPF traffic counters never


  Rcvd: 640 total, 0 checksum errors

        617 hello, 3 database desc, 1 link state req

        15 link state updates, 4 link state acks


  Sent: 636 total

        618 hello, 2 database desc, 1 link state req

        7 link state updates, 8 link state acks


             OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 1)


OSPF queue statistics for process ID 1:


                   InputQ     UpdateQ    OutputQ

  Limit            0          200        0

  Drops            0          0          0

  Max delay [msec] 4          0          0

  Max size         2          2          2

    Invalid        0          0          0

    Hello          0          0          1

    DB des         2          2          1

    LS req         0          0          0

    LS upd         0          0          0

    LS ack         0          0          0

  Current size     0          0          0

    Invalid        0          0          0

    Hello          0          0          0

    DB des         0          0          0

    LS req         0          0          0

    LS upd         0          0          0

    LS ack         0          0          0



Interface statistics:


     Interface GigabitEthernet0/1


Last clearing of interface traffic counters never


OSPF packets received/sent

  Type          Packets              Bytes

  RX Invalid    0                    0

  RX Hello      618                  29664

  RX DB des     3                    136

  RX LS req     1                    36

  RX LS upd     15                   1164

  RX LS ack     4                    236

  RX Total      641                  31236


  TX Failed     0                    0

  TX Hello      619                  49516

  TX DB des     2                    148

  TX LS req     1                    68

  TX LS upd     7                    564

  TX LS ack     8                    772

  TX Total      637                  51068


OSPF header errors

  Length 0, Auth Type 0, Checksum 0, Version 0,

  Bad Source 0, No Virtual Link 0, Area Mismatch 0,

  No Sham Link 0, Self Originated 0, Duplicate ID 0,

  Hello 0, MTU Mismatch 0, Nbr Ignored 0,

  LLS 0, Unknown Neighbor 0, Authentication 0,

  TTL Check Fail 0


OSPF LSA errors

  Type 0, Length 0, Data 0, Checksum 0



Summary traffic statistics for process ID 1:


OSPF packets received/sent


  Type          Packets              Bytes

  RX Invalid    0                    0

  RX Hello      618                  29664

  RX DB des     3                    136

  RX LS req     1                    36

  RX LS upd     15                   1164

  RX LS ack     4                    236

  RX Total      641                  31236


  TX Failed     0                    0

  TX Hello      619                  49516

  TX DB des     2                    148

  TX LS req     1                    68

  TX LS upd     7                    564

  TX LS ack     8                    772

  TX Total      637                  51068


OSPF header errors

  Length 0, Auth Type 0, Checksum 0, Version 0,

  Bad Source 0, No Virtual Link 0, Area Mismatch 0,

  No Sham Link 0, Self Originated 0, Duplicate ID 0,

  Hello 0, MTU Mismatch 0, Nbr Ignored 0,

  LLS 0, Unknown Neighbor 0, Authentication 0,

  TTL Check Fail 0


OSPF LSA errors

  Type 0, Length 0, Data 0, Checksum 0


Note: You can view the OSPF traffic for a specific interface by giving the keyword show ipv6 ospf [process-id] traffic[interface-type interface-number]

           Use the command to Clear IPv6 OSPF traffic   to clear the counters  


Show IPv6 OSPF Traffic In OSPFv3


R1#show ipv6 ospf traffic


OSPFv3 statistics:

  Last clearing of OSPFv3 traffic counters never


  Rcvd: 18 total, 0 checksum errors

        11 hello, 3 database desc, 0 link state req

        2 link state updates, 2 link state acks

        0 LSA ignored


  Sent: 17 total, 0 failed

        11 hello, 2 database desc, 1 link state req

        2 link state updates, 1 link state acks


            OSPFv3 Router with ID ( (Process ID 1)


OSPFv3 queue statistic for process ID 1


                   InputQ     UpdateQ    OutputQ

  Limit            0          200        0

  Drops            0          0          0

  Max delay [msec] 0          0          4

  Max size         2          2          2

    Invalid        0          0          0

    Hello          0          0          1

    DB des         2          2          1

    LS req         0          0          0

    LS upd         0          0          0

    LS ack         0          0          0

  Current size     0          0          0

    Invalid        0          0          0

    Hello          0          0          0

    DB des         0          0          0

    LS req         0          0          0

    LS upd         0          0          0

    LS ack         0          0          0



Interface statistics:


    Interface FastEthernet0/1


Last clearing of interface traffic counters never


OSPFv3 packets received/sent

  Type          Packets              Bytes

  RX Invalid    0                    0

  RX Hello      12                   480

  RX DB des     3                    244

  RX LS req     0                    0

  RX LS upd     2                    548

  RX LS ack     2                    92

  RX Total      19                   1364


  TX Failed     0                    0

  TX Hello      12                   476

  TX DB des     2                    56

  TX LS req     1                    112

  TX LS upd     2                    188

  TX LS ack     1                    256

  TX Total      18                   1088


OSPFv3 header errors

  Length 0, Checksum 0, Version 0, No Virtual Link 0,

  Area Mismatch 0, Self Originated 0, Duplicate ID 0,

  Instance ID 0, Hello 0, MTU Mismatch 0,

  Nbr Ignored 0, Authentication 0, TTL Check Fail 0,

  Discarded 0


OSPFv3 LSA errors

  Type 0, Length 0, Data 0, Checksum 0



Summary traffic statistics for process ID 1:


OSPFv3 packets received/sent


  Type          Packets              Bytes

  RX Invalid    0                    0

  RX Hello      12                   480

  RX DB des     3                    244

  RX LS req     0                    0

  RX LS upd     2                    548

  RX LS ack     2                    92

  RX Total      19                   1364


  TX Failed     0                    0

  TX Hello      12                   476

  TX DB des     2                    56

  TX LS req     1                    112

  TX LS upd     2                    188

  TX LS ack     1                    256

  TX Total      18                   1088


OSPFv3 header errors

  Length 0, Checksum 0, Version 0, No Virtual Link 0,

  Area Mismatch 0, Self Originated 0, Duplicate ID 0,

  Instance ID 0, Hello 0, MTU Mismatch 0,

  Nbr Ignored 0, Authentication 0, TTL Check Fail 0,

  Discarded 0


OSPFv3 LSA errors

  Type 0, Length 0, Data 0, Checksum 0


Note: You can view the OSPF traffic for a specific interface by giving the keyword show ipv6 ospf [process-id] traffic[interface-type interface-number]

           Use the command to Clear IPv6 OSPF traffic  to clear the counters  


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OSPF Command Reference

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