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Important: I am not a FPGA advanced, and I just wanna provided a humble Josinfo #ccieofpeople reflection.

The Field Programmable Gate Array as know as FPGA, often used in data centers / financial environment have approximately 12,300 DSP (digital signal processor) cores.

>> FPGA: Is a sets of integrated circuits capable of re-programmable by the user.
>> DSP: Programmable device groups, which hold their own instruction code.

This DSP core can supports operations, and has a structure that can efficiently execute multiples operations, complex number operations, and trigonometric functions, it is possible to execute 4 instructions in different times clock.

That way allow to be capable to installing many arithmetic units with rich functions is effective in improving throughput and reducing delay time.

In addition to that, the user can freely connect her DSPs with each other or her DSP and the arithmetic circuit. This is one of the major advantages over processors, which execute a predetermined set of instructions with fixed arithmetic circuits and the hardware connected to them.

### Memory configuration and capacity

The advantages of FPGA memory structure can be classified into the following three points:

1) Improved processing capacity
2) Stably delay time
3) Reduced power consumption

In order to execute instructions at high speed, processors generally use a load/store type architecture in which data (operands) are prepared by loading them into registers before executing arithmetic instructions.

Another advantage of the large amount of on-chip memory is the elimination or reduction of accesses to external memory.
By Josinfo  
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