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Palani Mohan
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

What do we do?

  • Sorta like a Emergency Room in a Hospital;-) Always in a reactive mode.
  • Don't know how many will come in nor do we know how long it would take to resolve a problem
  • Interact with 3-5 new issues on any given day.
  • Engineers have a broad understanding of networking but get to specialize by focussing on a narrow area (Don't be surprised if a Routing Protocols specialist does not know to troubleshoot a IPSec/Crypto issue)
  • Problem centric focus
  • Unable to make "recommendations" involving code or design, usually

How do we go about doing it?

  • Divide a 24-hr day into 4 blocks of 6 hrs each, covered from Research Triangle Park, NC, San Jose CA, Sydney Australia, Bangalore India and Brussels Belgium
  • Selections done during SR opening routes the SR to the specialist teams
  • The problem details governs for most part to get a better understanding
  • Focus on one problem in one TAC engagement

How to get the best out of your TAC engagement?

  • Provide as much details as possible when the SR is logged.
  • Support problem with as much evidence as possible. Please keep in mind that when a device is reloaded, it is sorta like a crime scene that has been wiped clean.
  • Question the TAC engineer's diagnosis as you would, to your physician. Ask for a 2nd opinion.
  • Log everytime someone is on a router for troubleshooting.
  • Get the engineer to email you the findings/analysis.
Level 1
Level 1

helpful document that give a clear how TAC team works, know them and how they work will enhance the dealing with them

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