Catalyst switches reference the CAM table while forward packets at layer2. This table mailny comprises of vlan id, mac address and the port#. You can run "sh cam dynamic" to see this table which is built by learning the source MAC address from the Ethernet packet. An entry in this CAM table will be aged out if unused for 300 sec.
You can use the "set cam" command to add entries into the CAM table and set the aging time for the CAM table.
Cat6k also has sc0 interface where we configure an IP address and a default gateway to allow the switch to use IP. Now we can telnet to this box from remote location and manage the switch. So the switch does have an IP stack but that is strictly to get to the box and is not used to forward packets. Therefore I see no reason why the arp timeout on a switch requires tuning.
For configuring IP address and defualt gateway, please refer this document: