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Configuring FWSM - Many internal vlans on one FWSM inferface

Level 1
Level 1


We are replaing the PIX 520 with FWSM module. I would like to put all the vlans in my internal network and one outside and two DMZ network. I am doing Single context mode.

First step is to group the vlans in the switch to the firewall module.

But in the FWSM - nameif command I am not able to give the group of vlans. Any advice on how to configure this stuff is really appreciated.



3 Replies 3

Level 1
Level 1

All the internal VLANs in - Internal interface (Inside)

DMZ interface (DMZ1)

DMZ interface (DMZ2)

Outside interface

I am not be able to assign more than one VLAN on the inside network. How to add more than one VLAN to the same interface ?

please let me know


you have to configure this on your catalyst switch

assume that your fwsm is installed on slot 9 of catlayst switch

1. creating vlan 10-12 on your switch

2. config vlan to fwsm

firewall module 9 vlan-group 1

firewall vlan-group 1 10-12

in this configuration will assign vlan 10-12 to fwsm.

3. after that you have to assign vlan to firewall context

admin-context admin

context admin

config-url disk:/admin.cfg


context inside-server

allocate-interface vlan10-vlan12

config-url disk:/inside_server.cfg

4. after that you changeto context inside-server

and you can nameif your vlan to dmz as your need.

nameif vlan10 outside security0

nameif vlan11 DMZ1 security100

nameif vlan12 DMZ2 security90

Good luck.

The rule of thumb is as follows:

- Each VLAN gets its own interface

In your specific case, you would have the following options:

a) Put all your internal VLAN's on the supervisor/MSFC and just make a link-VLAN into the FWSM

b) Put all your internal VLAN's on the FWSM at different interfaces

With option b) you have two more options:

b1) Let each interface have it's own security-level and configure your static's and nat's accordingly

b2) Let each internal interface share the same security-level and use the "same-security-traffic permit inter-interface" command to let them talk together without needing the static's and nat's between them.

You'll need the static's and nat's for communication to/from the internet/dmz's unless you put them also at the same security-levels.. (which you shouldn't do for the internet-interface at least..)

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