Dear all,
Rate Limit ingress traffic as a DoS protection for Customer Subnet´s
ISP-------- gig0/0 ISR Router----Customer Subnet´s
Router ISR 4300 Series IOS XE with gigabitethernet connection to ISP Router.
Rate-limit ingress traffic to 2 Mbit´s for IPv4 and IPv6 subnet´s on ISR 4300 Series.
2 ACL´s one for IPv4 and the other for IPv6.
ip access-list extended 101
permit ip any x.x.x.x (to IPv4 subnet)
ipv6 access-list IPv6-subnet
permit ip any Ipv6 address(to IPv6 prefix
2 class-map´s one to match Ipv4 traffic and the other for Ipv6
class-map IPv4
match access-group 101
class-map IPv6
match access-group name IPv6-subnet
policy-map RATE-LIMIT
class IPv4
police 2000000 conform-action transmit exceed-action drop
class IPv6
police 2000000 conform-action transmit exceed-action drop
Interface gigabitethernet 0/0
service-policy input RATE-LIMIT
Is there some error in reasoning or is this solution ok ?
Any hint or advice would be great.
Thank you all.