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PIX-1FE, is there such a thing?

Level 1
Level 1

Okay, I just bought a PIX-1FE card from a computer parts reseller and I'll be damned if it's not just a compaq 10/100 ethernet interface. It even has the WOL cable attached. The chipset matches with Cisco's compatability list (SB82558B), but I feel like I got ripped off. I paid $80.00 for this NIC that I could have purchased for about $35.00.

So, someone clue me in, is there a PIX-1FE that comes in a Cisco box, and is tagged with a Cisco part number and says PIX-1FE on it? Or is any NIC with the correct chipset considered a PIX-1FE? My only other experience with purchasing additional interfaces was with a PIX-4FE and I don't recall there being any Cisco logos/stickers on it either.



1 Reply 1

Level 6
Level 6

Yep, Cisco makes big money off of that - but, you do get the guarantee that the part is what it is - sometimes companies silently release a change to a product that breaks things - in fact, I think one of the soho oriented networking companies shipped cards with the same old model number while the chipset was completely different - a model number that used to be on some open source OS's compatibility list, now didn't work at all as it was an unsupported chipset.

Anyhow, google for a frankenpix - Pixen are just pcs anyhow. You could build your own unsupported pix 520 if you'd like.
