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This idea really came through while we were planning remote delivery of learning to our students during last year's crisis. We usually have face-to-face classes which were cancelled during that time.


I have created some 'virtual' pods using Packet Tracer software, that will assist students to practice some of Lab Activities, in case they do not have access to real equipment.


These are really PKA (i.e. PT Activity files), with 'logical' tab and some of the features disabled, just like in a normal lab situation. When a student opens this file, they will get the 'physical' tab and within that they will get access to a rack with routers, switches and PCs as required for a lab. Students can connect to a networking device only through the Terminal screen by connecting a console cable.


Have a look through and give some feedback. If CCNA Curriculum Designers could provide similar files to practice labs, that will be helpful for most of the students to understand networking equipment in a more appropriate manner.

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