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Source nat from inbound traffic

Hi there ... I need some help figuring out how to do nat of the source of inbound traffic

Here's the idea

I've a WWW server published to internet (with is NAT set to be accessible with a public IP). This ASA is not the default gateway of the www server, as there are other ASA and links in the network

So, what I need is that any traffic getting inbound to the WWW server gets out through the ASA ... I'd like to NAT the public IP of the client accessing the www server to the inside interface (ideally) or any other internal IP that ASA will respond ARP request, so www sends the traffic through this ASA

I've tried different options of natting, but no luck

any help appreciated

www ( -------------   ( ASA internal ---- ASA outside ( ------------  users (any)

nat for www  

object network host-


  nat(internal,ouside) static

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