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RV325 load balancing not working properly

Level 1
Level 1


I have a Cisco RV325 (firmware connected to our network, with which we intend to do some load balancing on 2 DSL lines from 2 different ISP (both are only about 2Mbit/s so we need some bandwidth).

I launch a download from PC #1. WAN1 gets full at about 230 KiB/s. No traffic on WAN2. No acceleration thanks to load balancing, even with multi-threaded downloads.

Now, I launch a download from another PC (#2). At least, I expected the download to go through WAN2 (in fact, when I checked the public IP of PC #2, it has the WAN2 public IP). Instead, the download from PC #1 slows down. And the 2 downloads go through WAN1 at a maximum speed of 230 KiB/s, i.e. the speed we get with only 1 DSL line.

In system statistics, I see the downstream bandwidth for WAN1 being used at 95%, and only 1 or 2% for WAN2, whereas upstream bandwidth is really shared between WAN1 and WAN2 when I start an upload.

All our traffic goes through an OpenVPN. I've tried to stop the VPN, with no luck.

Is there something I am missing in the setup of the RV325 to get real load balancing ?

Thanks for your help.

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