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SG300-28PP FindIT Network Probe causes high CPU load and https error log entries

Level 1
Level 1

Hi guys,


first of all I want to apologize my bad English, I´m German and it´s not my mother language.


I am owner of a SG300-28PP with newest firmware and it runs smoothly in our house. Some weeks ago I thought of changing the switch into a unifi product (us-24-150W) just because its is easier to track errors or see whats going on. But, i love my cisco and it´s performance especially when moving big data from one VLAN to another. So after weeks of taking research I found the FindIT Manager and Probe. I downloaded and configured the Virtualbox versions which run on a Debian 9 PC.


As soon as I start the Probe i get high CPU load of about 60-80%. Yes, just the Probe. Same happens if I start only the Manager. I get every 5 minutes (i think so) entries in the error log. I tried everything i found worldwide. HTTPS and HTTP as service are enabled, am using SNMPv2, network is getting discovered and shown (only VLANS/"clouds" aren´t showing all subnets).


How can I get rid oh these errors please, any help would be appreciated much.


2147483634 2018-Jun-07 21:19:44 Warning %AAA-W-REJECT: New https connection for user cisco, source destination  REJECTED      
2147483635 2018-Jun-07 21:19:44 Warning %HTTP_HTTPS-W-WEBWARNING: viaGetSecurityHandler:credentials expected to be encrypted      
2147483636 2018-Jun-07 21:19:40 Warning %AAA-W-REJECT: New https connection for user cisco, source destination  REJECTED, aggregated (30)      
2147483637 2018-Jun-07 21:19:40 Warning %HTTP_HTTPS-W-WEBWARNING: viaGetSecurityHandler:credentials expected to be encrypted, aggregated (30)      
2147483638 2018-Jun-07 21:14:41 Warning %AAA-W-REJECT: New https connection for user cisco, source destination  REJECTED      
2147483639 2018-Jun-07 21:14:41 Warning %HTTP_HTTPS-W-WEBWARNING: viaGetSecurityHandler:credentials expected to be encrypted      
2147483640 2018-Jun-07 21:14:19 Warning %AAA-W-REJECT: New https connection for user cisco, source destination  REJECTED, aggregated (26)      
2147483641 2018-Jun-07 21:14:19 Warning %HTTP_HTTPS-W-WEBWARNING: viaGetSecurityHandler:credentials expected to be encrypted, aggregated (26)      
2147483642 2018-Jun-07 21:09:24 Warning %AAA-W-REJECT: New https connection for user cisco, source destination  REJECTED      
2147483643 2018-Jun-07 21:09:24 Warning %HTTP_HTTPS-W-WEBWARNING: viaGetSecurityHandler:credentials expected to be encrypted, aggregated (1)      
2147483644 2018-Jun-07 21:08:27 Informational %AAA-I-DISCONNECT: https connection for user cisco, source destination TERMINATED      
2147483645 2018-Jun-07 21:07:23 Informational %AAA-I-CONNECT: New https connection for user cisco, source destination ACCEPTED      
2147483646 2018-Jun-07 21:07:23 Warning %HTTP_HTTPS-W-WEBWARNING: viaGetSecurityHandler:credentials expected to be encrypted      


IP .31 is the manager, 32 the probe, 30 the host, switch .254


I don´t understand where it comes from. Certificate error ? I have no own signed certificates or changed anything belonging this. In addition to this, I am getting multiple "Warning health level" notifications in FindIT and whole switch/webgui is getting slower. I wouldn´t need to change the switch if I could get this to work.

Screenshot 2018-06-07 21.42.45.png



Is it possible to view in console or by snmp query the CPU temp and memory usage ? Also, is it possible to view VLAN to VLAN traffic with Findit ?


Many thanks in advance and beste Gruesse ! :-)



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