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Cisco SG350X APIC-EM Support

Soeren Rosiak
Level 1
Level 1

Hi there,

First of all, I'm unsure whether I should place this question in here or in the small business forum - sorry for that.


Cisco SG350X-48


Recently we acquired a substantial amount of Cisco SG350X devices.

From what I can read and see on the devices PnP is supported, furthermore I can setup PnP settings(

I have done so and pre-provisioned a device in APIC-EM PnP. When creating the device, I noticed the product ID missing in APIC-EM, so I manually typed it in.

I then setup the SG350X with the PnP server details. Hereafter and I could see the SG350X and APIC-EM communicating.

However, the device ended up in the ERROR state.

2018-07-12 23:38:51 (CEST) Failed health check since device is stuck in non-terminal state RETRIEVING_PNP_PROFILE_INFO for more than threshold time: 0 hours, 16 minutes, 0 seconds

2018-07-12 23:38:49 (CEST) Received new work request from Agent while expecting work response. Retrying operation RETRIEVING_PNP_PROFILE_INFO

I looked at the communication with tcpdump and could see that APIC-EM tried to send commands which is unsupported on the SG350X ("show run | sec pnp profile" and other various commands).

It seems the device is not supported (Furthermore it is not listed at


So, when Cisco states that "Cisco Network PnP" is supported on the switch - and APIC-EM is not working, what options do we then have?(Currently I have developed my own flask app to provision the devices with)

Are there plans to support the SG350X in APIC-EM?

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