01-28-2020 02:25 AM
I have setup a Cisco Active Directory agent on my network on the corporate network which talks a domain controller on the same corporate network. That seems to be working ok and i can see the agent is running and the polling status is available
I have my firepower manager on the dmz and the firepower ftd2110 also on the dmz. I have the fw rules in place and am successfully blocking or allowing traffic. But what i want to do is pull back the users and groups from the AD Realm which i have setup. Its pulling back the users and groups ok but when i go to users - user activity - i dont see the users i'd expect to in the logs. The AD Realm seems to be setup ok
I am not seeing connection events for my username even though everything is working ok.
Any ideas what i can check or is it something i need to speak to the server people about