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New WebEx client: Does not show scheduled meetings or regonise me as host when manually joining

Level 1
Level 1

I am using WebEx professionally and recently installed the latest client version ( at my home desktop, but I must say I am not a fan of the new design. What I am missing is that the client, although properly logged in and authenticated, is not listing my (recurring) meetings or meetings for which I am invited. Whenever I manually join my own meetings I also need to identify myself as host. This make it for me almost useless, I can only assume I am missing something obvious here?


I still use the old client "Cisco Webex Meetings" on my work laptop, which is not suffering from the above mentioned issues.

Is this perhaps a known issue, easily remedied?


Old Client (lists scheduled meetings, fascilitates 'click and start' meetings, no need to enter host code):


 New Client:


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