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Outlook Calendar integration with Webex - No Presence Updates for Non-Webex meetings

Level 4
Level 4

My organization has recently migrated from Jabber/Webex Messenger to Webex app.  A consistent complaint from our user community is the lack of presence updates based on Outlook calendar entries that do not include a Webex Meeting.  Jabber was very consistent in showing a users presence as "In a Meeting" for any Outlook calendar event that showed the user as Busy.  Webex app appears to only update the presence status of Out of Office messages, call events, and Webex enabled meetings.  Users are complaining that for in person calendared meetings, Zoom or MS Teams meetings, and just time blocks calendared as Busy that Webex is show a presence status of Active (Available).  All of our users are configured for Hybrid Calendar so the Outlook calendar is available in Webex app. 


Is this gap in functionality a missing setting somewhere in Control Hub or the app settings?  Is correcting this on the roadmap?  We are starting to see users abandoning Webex for MS Teams based on this issue.


Any assistance or guidance would be appreciated.





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