09-02-2021 05:36 AM
I have just recently come into possession of a Cisco DX80 device. I was told that it was malfunctioning and was asked to see if I could resolve the issue.
The device needs to be factory reset. I found the instructions and believe that I have done that successfully.
However, when I attempt to boot up the device, the Cisco splash screen comes on twice and then disappears. After that the power button / light ring will blink twice every 3-5 seconds or so.
From what I read the blinking means that the device is disconnected from the network, which is accurate, but I still think the device should boot up even being disconnected from the network.
If I could find a way to "remote" into the device I might be able to get more information. I can connect it to a laptop via Cat5 or USB connection but I do not know how to navigate to the device from there. I ran Wireshark and "found" the device but no IP or anything was provided to be able to connect too.
Any help or advice is appreciated.