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Error Renewing ISE Certificate

Level 1
Level 1

I am trying to renew a system Certificate on ISE.  This is a CA cert for the Admin, Portal, EAP Authentication, and RADIUS DTLS roles.  First I generated a CSR using the generator on ISE.  When we try to bind the new cert using the option on the CSR page, we get the message:
"There is one or more trusted certificates(s) with the same subject name and issuer but having a different serial number 'Subject: CN=<CN> - Serial Number: <Serial Number> '. Binding was aborted.  For successful binding, you need to remove the other certificates(s) first."

It won't let us remove the previous cert, as it has all of the roles on it.  How does one renew this cert?

We are using ISE 3.1.0.

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