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ECMP and PBR with dual FTD 2140s managed by FMCv on

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Level 1

For some context, we have dual Firepower 2140s in HA managed by FMCv. Both FTD and FMCv are on as of last week at the start of 2024. 

We currently utilize our FTDs as external firewalls and head-ends for both site-to-site VPNs and Remote Access VPNs. Our RA VPN users are currently utilizing IPsec. We have dual 1Gbps internet connections on a load-balancer that sits in front of the FTDs while the FTDs themselves have just a single outside connection that feeds into the LAN of the load-balancer. We also have a new 10Gbps connection as of the last month that we'd like to start utilizing. The cost of using 10Gbps on our load-balancer is going to be costly as it's about $70k worth in licensing. This started the research of seeing if the FTDs were capable of load-balancihng outbound traffic and that's where I came across ECMP and Policy Based Routing. As of 7.2, the FMC natively supports the configuration of both without the need of FlexConfig. Neat. 

Naturally, I started reading documentation on the requirements. For the most part, I met all the requirements execpt for two as noted by the documentation here.

  • Following interfaces cannot be associated with an ECMP zone -> Interfaces in RA VPN configuration with SSL enabled
  • Threat defense does not support ECMP with NAT in IPsec sessions—a standard IPsec virtual private network (VPN) tunnel does not work with NAT points in the delivery path of IPsec packets.

My first question/concern with the first point is are they referring to having SSL on the interface itself, or having SSL enabled in the RA VPN Group Policy? In other words, SSL enabled within the Access Interface configuration


Or.....the Group Policy


If it's referring to having SSL enabled on the actual interface itself and need to turn that off, then I suppose I'll need to come up with a gameplan regarding our VPN users as, If I recall, all RA VPN sessions utilize SSL initially. 

The second point I may just need clarification on it in general so I'm not misunderstanding the underlying concept.

The end goal here would be to have both ISPs terminating on the FTD with the ability to load-balance outbound internet traffic utilizing ECMP and PBR to avoid paying the licensing for the load-balancers. However, it seems that the VPNs may be my stopping point if I do not have an alternative solution.

I do have an active case with TAC opened about this, but figured I'd ask the question to the community and see if anyone has ever utilized ECMP/PBR with the FTD and some feedback. 

Thank you for your time. 

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