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Cisco Endpoint Security. Attacking a MySQL Database.

Level 1
Level 1

I have a problem with the Cisco Endpoint Security course. In the “4.2.8. Lab — Attacking a MySQL Database” I need to open pcap file via WireShark by browse /home/analyst/ directory and search for Before that I got VM “Cybersecurity_Lab_VM_Worksation_20230210”, but I can´t see any files or directories in /home/analyst/. When I navigate there via “Open” menu of WireShark - /home/analyst/ is empty.
Via terminal I can´t check /home/analyst/ content as I don´t have the right to navigate to this folder as user “cisco” and I can´t change a folder owner as I don´t know the superuser password.
What am I doing wrong and where can I get this pcap file for the lab?

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