I have a RVS4000 version 2 Firmware version V2.0.27 IPS version 1.50 being used as main router for 4 WIFI Access Point's access to an ISP provided cable modem. WIFI user's platforms are not under my control. I am trying to prevent them from accessing "NetfliX" and other streaming sites. I have tried to setup a URL block to "Netflix.com" for the IP range DHCP can assign to those users. "Internet Access Policy Status" is enabled, the "Edit List of PC's" has been set to the scope of DHCP, Access Ristriction is set to "Allow". Schedule is set to 7 days and 24 hours. "Website Blocking by URL Address" contains the string "netflix.com"."Website Blocking by Keyword" area is blank. The web site is not being blocked. Is there fault with my proceedure? The setting have been saved and the router has been rebooted .