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ASR-1001-X Capture Internet Speed from router

Does anyone know if there is a way to perform Internet Speed to Internet from the router? it is my understanding that you can only measure/capture the input/output traffic of the interface. Is that a correct statement?

7 Replies 7

Francesco Molino
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

On ASR1001-X you can enable guestshell which will give you a centos container. From there, using python install speedtest package (pip install speedtest-cli) and run "speedtest-cli".

You will have and output with speedtest values from the router:

Retrieving configuration...
Testing from xxxx (x.x.x.x)...
Retrieving server list...
Selecting best server based on ping...
Hosted by xxxx Internet (xxxx) [xx km]: 8.166 ms
Testing download speed................................................................................
Download: xxxx Mbit/s
Testing upload speed......................................................................................................
Upload: xxxx Mbit/s

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Hello, do you know if this is intrusive or disruptive to the current router processes (Routing operations)?

Just router processes? (Don't forget, it will likely be intrusive to traffic sharing the same path.)

I would expect it to add some to the CPU load. My guess, not a whole lot, although if you're running near capacity it might push and/or maintain a 100% CPU load. However, even in that instance, hopefully this "guestshell" process will have lower priority than core router processes. If so, even at 100% CPU loading, it shouldn't be intrusive to other router process. That said, if the test process cannot obtain the CPU it desires, likely the speed test would be inaccurate.

Thank you sir.

Routing operations will always be prioritized over the rest. If you're running high CPU then it's not recommended to implement it.
If you're not having any CPU spikes, then you can go ahead and it won't impact your actual routing.
Surely, as @joseph mentionned, if you internet link is already being used hardly, speedtest results won't be "real" values like when you do normal speedtest from your computer when a link is already being used. However, it will give a quite good idea of your internet bandwidth.

PS: Please don't forget to rate and select as validated answer if this answered your question

Thank you for the explanation.

you're welcome

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