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Combining PAT and port-forwarding

Level 1
Level 1



im looking to use a single 867's dialer interface to hopefully accomplish outbound PAT for internet access but also with some inbound port forwarding. ive tried the idea of a route map to only allow the external addresses i want for the port forwarding but this seems to kill the PAT outbound?


interface Dialer0
ip address negotiated
ip mtu 1492
ip nat outside
ip virtual-reassembly in
encapsulation ppp
dialer pool 1

interface Vlan10
ip address
ip nat inside

ip nat inside source list 99 interface Dialer0 overload     < regular PAT

ip nat inside source static *.*.*.* route-map NAT-PF      < where * is my dialer interfaces IP


route-map NAT-PF permit 10
match ip address 50


ip access standard 50

 permit *.*.*.*     <where * is the allowed external internet address for the port-forwarding


firstly is this possible? do i have the order incorrect?


10 Replies 10



what are you trying to accomplish with the route map ? If the route map contains just the IP address of your dialer, you might as well use just that IP address in the static NAT statement:


ip nat inside source static *.*.*.* <-- IP address of the dialer interface


But since the IP address is negotiated and hence can change, you might be better off using the interface:


ip nat inside source static interface Dialer0

Hi Georg thanks for replying. 

the route-map I’m using to filter specific remote external addresses to lock down access to the device that I am forwarding ports to. 

does that make sense?



sorry for asking stupid questions: you want only specific external (public) IP addresses to access your internal server ?

No worries Georg yes that’s correct, outside to inside for the port forward id like to limit to specific address ranges if possible


@GM1991 wrote: outside to inside for the port forward id like to limit to specific address ranges if possible

Ip nat outside source static tcp/udp (outside source  ip) xx ( inside nat ip) tcp/udp xx

Meaning that specific outside ip will be able to access the inside network on a specific port because its public source address will be natted to an internal network IP address 

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since you want a range of addresses from the outside to be able to access the inside device, I have come up with the below. The access list contains all the hosts you want to grant access.


ip nat pool POOL netmask
ip nat outside source list 1 pool POOL add-route


access-list 1 permit host x.x.x.x

access-list 1 permit host y.y.y.y


apologies for not replying sooner ive been trying to find time to test this. so ive tried what you suggested and i can see the access list getting hit however on a NAT debug i see the translation failing;


.Nov 5 07:53:12.871 GMT: NAT: failed to allocate address for, list/map 150
.Nov 5 07:53:12.871 GMT: NAT: translation failed (L), dropping packet s= d=*.*.*.*
.Nov 5 07:53:13.819 GMT: NAT: failed to allocate address for, list/map 150
.Nov 5 07:53:13.819 GMT: NAT: translation failed (L), dropping packet s= d=*.*.*.*
.Nov 5 07:53:14.819 GMT: NAT: failed to allocate address for, list/map 150
.Nov 5 07:53:14.819 GMT: NAT: translation failed (L), dropping packet s= d=*.*.*.*
.Nov 5 07:53:15.843 GMT: NAT: failed to allocate address for, list/map 150
.Nov 5 07:53:15.843 GMT: NAT: translation failed (L), dropping packet s= d=*.*.*.*


*.*.*.* is my test router where i am testing connections from



what exactly did you test ? Can you post the configuration that generates the failure messages ?

hi Georg heres the config, im running a im browsing on a https session via port 8443 from my test router

interface Dialer0
ip address negotiated
ip mtu 1492
ip nat outside

interface Vlan10
ip address
ip nat inside
ip virtual-reassembly in

ip nat pool inside prefix-length 24
ip nat inside source list 99 interface Dialer0 overload
ip nat outside source list 155 pool inside add-route

Standard IP access list 99
10 permit

Extended IP access list 155
10 permit tcp host *.*.*.* host eq 8443

*.*.*.* being again my test router, and 84. address being the negotiated address from ISP.



whatever you match in access list 155 needs to be something on the Internet, so I am not sure I understand that access list. 


Extended IP access list 155
10 permit tcp host *.*.*.* host eq 8443

*.*.*.* being again my test router, and 84. address being the negotiated address from ISP.


For the sake of testing, try a standard access list just matching a single host on the Internet. So the entire configuration would be:


ip nat pool inside prefix-length 24
ip nat inside source list 99 interface Dialer0 overload
ip nat outside source list 1 pool inside add-route


access-list 99 permit host

access-list 1 permit host x.x.x.x <-- this needs to be one of the IP addresses on the Internet





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