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Help me with my 3660 router showing garbage

Level 1
Level 1

help me please.... what's wrong with my 3660 router?

it shows garbage upon boot up


Console port(router)<=>RJ45<=Rollover=>RJ45<=>Modular RS232 adapter(Female)<=>RS232 Port(male com1)

help me please...

7 Replies 7

Peter Paluch
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hello Carl,

It is possible that the console port speed has been changed from the default setting of 9600bps to a different value. That is the most common reason for seeing the garbage. In your terminal software (HyperTerminal, PuTTY, etc.), try changing the COM port speed, starting from 1200bps and proceeding through 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 to 115200 bps. Each time you change a setting, hit Enter a couple of times to see if the router starts responding normally. If not, proceed to the next available setting.

Should you find the appropriate setting, you may either keep it, or put the console speed back to 9600bps using the commands:

configure terminal

line con 0

speed 9600 ! After entering this, the console will stop again - change back to 9600 bps


Best regards,


WARNING: All existing data in flash will be lost!

Invoke this application only for disaster recovery.

Do you wish to continue? y/n  [n]:  y

Ready to receive file c3660-i-mz.120-7.t.bin ...

Erasing flash at 0x307c0000

program flash location 0x30410000

Download Complete!

*** GT64120 Master Abort Interrupt ***

PC = 0x80005624, Cause = 0x4000, Status Reg = 0x3041f003

monitor: command "xmodem" aborted due to exception

i got this error whenever i tried to upload an IOS.

Can you try with tftpdnld in ROMMON:



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thank you for your response.

but unfortunately

tftpdnld is not supported in my 3660 router.

rommon 1 > ?

alias               set and display aliases command

boot                boot up an external process

break               set/show/clear the breakpoint

confreg             configuration register utility

cont                continue executing a downloaded image

context             display the context of a loaded image

cookie              display contents of motherboard cookie PROM in hex

dev                 list the device table

dir                 list files in file system

dis                 disassemble instruction stream

dnld                serial download a program module

frame               print out a selected stack frame

help                monitor builtin command help

history             monitor command history

iomemdef            set IO mem to a default 25%

meminfo             main memory information

repeat              repeat a monitor command

reset               system reset

set                 display the monitor variables

stack               produce a stack trace

sync                write monitor environment to NVRAM

sysret              print out info from last system return

unalias             unset an alias

unset               unset a monitor variable

xmodem              x/ymodem image download


TFTPDNLD is not supported on the 3660, but, look at the following link:

XMODEM is the only option, although if you have a PCMCIA card, you can upload the IOS there and try to recover it.

I can recommend you to try xmodem again with 2 options:

1- Regular xmodem of the image to the flash

2- Xmodem to the DRAM directly

For option 1, use the following configuration:

  1. rommon 2 > confreg
    do you wish to change the configuration? y/n [n]:  y
    enable  "diagnostic mode"? y/n  [n]: n 
    enable  "use net in IP bcast address"? y/n  [n]: n
    disable "load rom after netboot fails"? y/n  [n]: n
    enable  "use all zero broadcast"? y/n  [n]: n
    enable  "break/abort has effect"? y/n  [n]: n
    enable  "ignore system config info"? y/n  [n]: n
    change console baud rate? y/n  [n]:  y
    enter rate: 0 = 9600,  1 = 4800,  2 = 1200,  3 = 2400
                4 = 19200, 5 = 38400, 6 = 57600, 7 = 115200  [7]:  7
    change the boot characteristics? y/n  [n]:  y
    enter to boot:
    0 = ROM Monitor
    1 = the boot helper image
    2-15 = boot system
        [0]:  0

        Configuration Summary

    enabled are:
    load rom after netboot fails
    console baud: 115200
    boot: the ROM Monitor
    do you wish to change the configuration? y/n  [n]: n
    You must reset or power cycle for new config to take effect
    rommom 2 > reset
  2. Open a new hyperterminal with these settings:

    Bits per second - 115200 
    Data bits - 8
    Parity - None
    Stop bits - 1
    Flow control - Hardware
  3. After setting the hyperterminal, you receive a rommon prompt. Enter             the xmodem command. Before you enter an             xmodem command, there should be a software image             residing in your terminal or your local hard drive.

    rommon 2 > xmodem -c c3660IOS.bin

For option 2 just change the last option:

rommon 2 > xmodem -r c3660IOS.bin

I recommend you to use a small image to make the upload faster and then upgrade to the image you want to use using regular TFTP.
If the problem persist on the second option we could be looking at a hardware problem.


thank you for the reply....

i tried your suggestions still wasn't able to boot the router aside from rommon mode..

but odd..

i got 1 flash which i havent reflash with a newer IOS.

i put it back on and i was able to veryify with no checksum error...

i manage to boot fully upto the configuration mode

i was also able to show run and show version.

but while idle.. it show a message "bad ram on location "hex value" "

it hangs-up..

i shutdown the router...

then boot it up...

back to rommon mode and had a checksum error

Hi Carl,

It does sound like a hardware problem. To verify we can try with a different IOS image if it doesn't boot, then we can assume it is hardware.



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