If your device supports it, you might use CBWFQ. Actual configuration would depend on device and device's IOS version. Further, when doing traffic across FR, you need to account for asymetric bandwidth (i.e. different sites might have difference bandwidth to FR cloud), multiple PVCs sharing access link, and/or CIR (especially for VoIP).
With a later IOS, CBWFQ would look something like this:
(NB: syntax might be incorrect or not won't with earlier IOS versions)
class-map match-all myVoIP
match (criteria to match your VoIP)
class-map match-all App1
match (criteria to match your app1)
class-map match-all App2
match (criteria to match your app2)
policy-map myCBWFQ
class myVoIP
bandwidth priority percentage 50
class App1
bandwidth remaining percentage 30
class App2
bandwidth remaining percentage 20
interface serial x
service-policy output myCBWFQ