I am doing some event integration with vManage webhook. Though the payload is bit comprehensive; like to know a bit more about entry_time, receive_time and statcycletime. What does these three time stamp means?
"devices": [
"system-ip": ""
"eventname": "interface-admin-state-change",
"type": "interface-admin-state-change",
"rulename": "interface-admin-state-change",
"component": "VPN",
"entry_time": 1598590839000,
"statcycletime": 1598590839000,
"message": "The interface admin-state changed to down",
"severity": "Critical",
"severity_number": 1,
"uuid": "6ab7f4c5-b7a7-4a98-b194-22f7d464d553",
"values": [
"host-name": "vedge2",
"system-ip": "",
"if-name": "eth0",
"new-admin-state": "down",
"vpn-id": "512"
"rule_name_display": "Interface_Admin_State_Change",
"receive_time": 1598589998368,
"values_short_display": [
"host-name": "vedge2",
"system-ip": "",
"if-name": "eth0",
"new-admin-state": "down"
"acknowledged": false,
The following documentation mention about entry_time; but nothing about other two.