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Jatin Katyal
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee



    Users with Superuser security privileges can configure nodes to use RADIUS authentication.

    An ONS node operates as a client of RADIUS. The client passes user information to designated RADIUS servers, and then acts on the response. RADIUS servers receive user connection requests, authenticate the user, and return all configuration information necessary for the client to deliver service to the user.


    • Create a user on ACS with CiscoSecure PAP password that we will use to login ONS


    creating user.PNG

    • Assign the above created user 454supper to FullAccessGroup group by going tp Group Setup.


    assiging user to group.PNG


    • Defining ONS as a Radius client
    • Login To ACS
    • Click on Network Configuration.
    • Click on ADD Entry.
    • Name the Client hostname unique.
    • Enter the ip address of the ONS node.
    • Enter the shared secret key, should be same as Node/ONS config.
    • Make sure Authenticate Using set to "Radius(CiscoIOS/PIX 6.0)


    defining device on acs.PNG


    User Security Group Mapping

    The possible security levels are Retrieve, Maintenance, Provisioning, and Superuser.

    An attribute-value (AV) pair represents a variable and one of the possible values that the variable can hold. Within ONS, users are mapped to different security groups based on Cisco AV Pair. Here is an example:

    "shell:priv-lvl=X" where X can be value of 0 to 3:
    0 represents Retrieve
    . 1 represents Maintenance
    2 represents Provisioning
    3 represents Super




    service-type and session.PNG


    Defining RADIUS Server On ONS

    • Log into Cisco Transport Controller (CTC).
    • Go to the Network view.
    • Select a specific ONS in order to go to the Shelf view.
    • Click Provisioning > Security > RADIUS Server.
    • Type the IP address of the RADIUS server in the IP Address field.
    • Type a shared secret in the Shared Secret field. A shared secret is a text string that serves as a password between a RADIUS client and RADIUS server.
    • Type the RADIUS authentication port number in the Authentication Port field.
    • The default authentication port number is 1812.
    • Type the RADIUS accounting port number in the Accounting Port field. The default accounting port number is 1813.





    • Check ACS logs under reports and activities > failed authentication.
    • Make sure shared-secret key is same on both the sides.
    • In order to get rds.log file, set the logging level to full and generate file.
    • In some cases even your configuration is correct and you see an extra attribute "aaa:supplicant-name=<username>" in the RDS logs pushing down to ONS then this will cause ONS to fail authorization. In order to fix this go to Interface Configuration > RADIUS (Cisco IOS/PIX 6.x) and uncheck the "Enable Authenticated Port cisco-av-pair" option.


    DLP-A456 Configure the Node for RADIUS Authentication

    Level 1
    Level 1


    I have this working on ACS 4.2 but I have upgraded to ACS Version : and I am now unable to login. I have configured the rules and ACS logs are showing it's successful but on CTC I get error


    Login failed on <IP address>

    Exception = The Login did not succeed


    Any chance you can update this article for the configuration required for ACS 5.x?  



    Community Member



    Not sure if you got your answer, but you have to configure a custom attribute.  Here are the steps:


    Policy Elements>Authorization and Permissions>Network Access>Authorization Profiles>Create


    Under the "General" tab

    Name: Cisco ONS Profile


    Under "RADIUS Attributes" tab


    Under Manually Entered:

    Dictionary Type: RADIUS-Cisco

    RADIUS Attribute: cisco-av-pair

    Attribute Type: String

    Attribute Value: Static

    Attribute Value: "shell:priv-lvl=3"

    Click - ADD


    Dictionary Type: RADIUS-IETF

    RADIUS Attribute: Service-Type

    Attribute Type: Enumeration

    Attribute Value: Static

    Attribute Value: Login (Click the Select button to the right and select "Login" and click "OK)

    Click - ADD


    Then click "Submit"




    Add a rule to Authorize Authentication


    Access Policies >  Access Services >  Default Network Access >  Authorization

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