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Bastien Migette
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


A configuration exemple of GET VPN using Certificates as the authentication method between GM and KS and IOS Server as CA Authority.
C1 is the KS, C2 and C3 are the GM.

You may find attached the base configuration (with all the MPLS backbone + VPN configured, as well as client routing/adressing). and the final config of all the routers.


Configuration of the IOS CA-Server

First, we'll configure the CA Server on C1 and enroll the routers on it:

!we generage a rsa key pair for the CA
c1(config)#crypto key generate rsa general-keys label carsa exportable modulus 512 % They will be replaced. % The key modulus size is 512 bits % Generating 512 bit RSA keys, keys will be exportable...[OK] c1(config)# *Oct  4 17:24:40.303: %SSH-5-DISABLED: SSH 1.5 has been disabled *Oct  4 17:24:41.227:  RSA key size needs to be atleast 768 bits for ssh version 2 c1(config)# *Oct  4 17:24:41.243: %SSH-5-ENABLED: SSH 1.5 has been enabled !We export the keys to nvram but you may export it elsewhere to restore your CA server on another router
c1(config)#crypto key export rsa carsa pem url nvram: 3des cisco123 % Key name: carsa Usage: General Purpose Key Exporting public key... Destination filename []? Writing file to Exporting private key... Destination filename [carsa.prv]? Writing file to nvram:carsa.prv c1(config)#ip http server !SCEP enrollment needs HTTP server on
c1(config)#crypto pki server carsa c1(cs-server)#database url nvram: c1(cs-server)#database level names !We store the certificate name in addtion to crypto material (by default)
core1(cs-server)#issuer-name CN=c1 L=MYDESK C=BE ! L = location, C = country c1(cs-server)#no shut %Some server settings cannot be changed after CA certificate generation. % Please enter a passphrase to protect the private key % or type Return to exit Password: cisco123 !remember this password, you'll need it in SCEP challenge
Re-enter password: cisco123 % Generating 1024 bit RSA keys, keys will be non-exportable...[OK] % Exporting Certificate Server signing certificate and keys... % Certificate Server enabled. c1(cs-server)# *Oct  4 17:36:57.087: %PKI-6-CS_ENABLED: Certificate server now enabled. c1(cs-server)#do write Building configuration... [OK] c1(cs-server)#exi c1(config)#

Enrollment of the routers on our IOS CA Server

c2(config)#crypto ca trustpoint carsa
! No revocation check as we didn't defined any CRL in the IOS CA config
c2(ca-trustpoint)#revocation-check none c2(ca-trustpoint)#enrollment url c2(ca-trustpoint)#exi c2(config)#crypto ca authenticate carsa Certificate has the following attributes: Fingerprint MD5: F9060FED EFDD437B 0971B86E 2CC79D65 Fingerprint SHA1: 9261C779 35420504 12F77C07 B0EF5938 66F3DC48 % Do you accept this certificate? [yes/no]: yes Trustpoint CA certificate accepted. c2(config)#crypto ca enroll carsa % % Start certificate enrollment .. % Create a challenge password. You will need to verbally provide this password to the CA Administrator in order to revoke your certificate. For security reasons your password will not be saved in the configuration. Please make a note of it. !password dedfined when 'no shutting' the ca-server
Password: cisco123 Re-enter password: cisco123 % The subject name in the certificate will include: c2 % Include the router serial number in the subject name? [yes/no]: no % Include an IP address in the subject name? [no]: no Request certificate from CA? [yes/no]: yes % Certificate request sent to Certificate Authority % The 'show crypto pki certificate verbose carsa' commandwill show the fingerprint. c2(config)# ! The following logs indicate that our router is requesting a certificate
*Oct  4 17:46:27.135: CRYPTO_PKI:  Certificate Request Fingerprint MD5: 4D9971C8 F02B5822 B4062ABE E4FD370A *Oct  4 17:46:27.147: CRYPTO_PKI:  Certificate Request Fingerprint SHA1: 1CD7E7FA B4A4016E 5A7D4F9E FEDD64BD D3234946 c2(config)#

Do the same for C3.

Now we have to accept the certificate request on the IOS CA Server

C1#sh crypto pki server carsa requests
Enrollment Request Database:

Subordinate CA certificate requests:
ReqID  State      Fingerprint                      SubjectName

RA certificate requests:
ReqID  State      Fingerprint                      SubjectName

Router certificates requests:
ReqID  State      Fingerprint                      SubjectName
1      pending    B50C87B6E5AD25927EFDB485EF0003ED hostname=C2

C1#crypto pki server carsa grant 1
C1#sh crypto pki server carsa requests
Enrollment Request Database:

Subordinate CA certificate requests:
ReqID  State      Fingerprint                      SubjectName

RA certificate requests:
ReqID  State      Fingerprint                      SubjectName

Router certificates requests:
ReqID  State      Fingerprint                      SubjectName
1      granted    B50C87B6E5AD25927EFDB485EF0003ED hostname=C2

And after some second we should see on C2's console:

*Oct  4 18:17:32.151: %PKI-6-CERTRET: Certificate received from Certificate Authority

You may note that if you enrolled the two routers you whould have had 2 pending request.

Here the CA Server is the KS, but if it were a GM, we should have enrolled to itself.

GETVPN Configuration

Now we can configure the GETVPN, starting by configuring a isakmp policy using rsa-sig and other parameters that we want, on the KS & GMs routers:

C1(config)#crypto isakmp policy 100
C1(config-isakmp)#auth rsa-sig C1(config-isakmp)#hash sha C1(config-isakmp)#group 5 C1(config-isakmp)#exi

Configuration of KS Router:

C1(config)#crypto ipsec transform-set TSET1  esp-aes  !creation of an IPSEC transform set and profile
C1(cfg-crypto-trans)#mode transport C1(cfg-crypto-trans)#exi C1(config)#crypto ipsec profile P1
C1(ipsec-profile)#set transform-set TSET1 C1(ipsec-profile)#exi C1(config)#ip access-list extended private-traffic  !The ACL that will be pushed to GM defined ciphered traffic
C1(config-ext-nacl)#deny udp any eq 848 any eq 848 ! we do not want GDOI to be ciphered
C1(config-ext-nacl)#permit ip C1(config-ext-nacl)#exi C1(config)#crypto gdoi group GETVPN1 C1(config-gdoi-group)#identity number 1234 ! Should be the same on GMs
C1(config-gdoi-group)#server local C1(gdoi-local-server)#rekey ? ! In a real environment, define your rekeying options for better security
address         Define the rekey packet format algorithm       Set the rekey encryption algorithm authentication  Identify the rekey authentication keypair lifetime        Define the rekey lifetime retransmit      Define the rekey retransmission parameters transport       Specify the rekey distribution method C1(gdoi-local-server)#sa ipsec 1 C1(gdoi-sa-ipsec)#profile P1
C1(gdoi-sa-ipsec)#match address ipv4 private-traffic C1(gdoi-sa-ipsec)#exi C1(gdoi-local-server)#address ipv4 !IP interface used for GDOI
C1(gdoi-local-server)#exi C1(config-gdoi-group)#exi

Now we can configure the GMs, configuration is more easy:

C2(config)#crypto gdoi group GETVPN1
C2(config-gdoi-group)#identity number 1234
C2(config-gdoi-group)#server address ipv4
C2(config)#crypto map GETMAP 10 gdoi
% NOTE: This new crypto map will remain disabled until a valid
 group has been configured.
C2(config-crypto-map)#set group GETVPN1
C2(config)#int F1/0
C2(config-if)#crypto map GETMAP

Now make some traffic to trigger up the VPN (such as a ping between GM)

Verification commands

Some verification commands

On KS:

C1#sh crypto gdoi

 Group Name               : GETVPN1 (Multicast)
 Group Identity           : 1234
 Group Members            : 2
 IPSec SA Direction       : Both
 Group Rekey Lifetime     : 86400 secs
 Rekey Retransmit Period  : 10 secs
 Rekey Retransmit Attempts: 2

 IPSec SA Number        : 1
 IPSec SA Rekey Lifetime: 3600 secs
 Profile Name           : P1
 Replay method          : Count Based
 Replay Window Size     : 64
 SA Rekey
 Remaining Lifetime  : 3300 secs
 ACL Configured         : access-list private-traffic

 Group Server list       : Local

C1#sh crypto isakmp sa
dst             src             state          conn-id status        GDOI_IDLE         1005 ACTIVE        GDOI_IDLE         1006 ACTIVE

C2#sh crypto gdoi ipsec sa

SA created for group GETVPN1:
 protocol = ip
 local ident  =, port = 0
 remote ident =, port = 0
 direction: Both, replay: Disabled
C1#sh crypto gdoi ks members Group Member Information : Number of rekeys sent for group GETVPN1 : 0 Group Member ID    : Group ID          : 1234 Group Name        : GETVPN1 Key Server ID     : Group Member ID    : Group ID          : 1234 Group Name        : GETVPN1 Key Server ID     : C1#sh crypto gdoi ks po      C1#sh crypto gdoi ks policy Key Server Policy: For group GETVPN1 (handle: 2147483650) server (handle: 2147483650): # of teks : 1  Seq num : 0 kek policy : FALSE TEK POLICY (encaps : ENCAPS_TRANSPORT) spi                : 0xFA94E73B access-list        : private-traffic transform          : esp-aes alg key size       : 16            sig key size          : 0         orig life(sec)     : 3600          remaining life(sec)   : 411       tek life(sec)      : 3600          elapsed time(sec)     : 3189      override life (sec): 0             antireplay window size: 64        C1#sh crypto session Crypto session current status Interface: FastEthernet1/0 Session status: UP-IDLE Peer: port 848 IKE SA: local remote Active Interface: FastEthernet1/0 Session status: UP-IDLE Peer: port 848 IKE SA: local remote Active

On GMs:

C2#sh crypto gdoi gm      
Group Member Information For Group GETVPN1:
 IPSec SA Direction       : Both
 ACL Received From KS     : gdoi_group_GETVPN1_temp_acl

 Group member             :         vrf: None
 Registration status   : Registered
 Registered with       :
 Re-registers in       : 3001 sec
 Succeeded registration: 1
 Attempted registration: 5
 Last rekey from       :
 Last rekey seq num    : 0
 Multicast rekey rcvd  : 0
C2#sh crypto ipse sa interface: FastEthernet1/0 Crypto map tag: GETMAP, local addr protected vrf: (none) local  ident (addr/mask/prot/port): ( remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): ( current_peer port 848 PERMIT, flags={origin_is_acl,} #pkts encaps: 10, #pkts encrypt: 10, #pkts digest: 10 #pkts decaps: 10, #pkts decrypt: 10, #pkts verify: 10 #pkts compressed: 0, #pkts decompressed: 0 #pkts not compressed: 0, #pkts compr. failed: 0 #pkts not decompressed: 0, #pkts decompress failed: 0 #send errors 0, #recv errors 0 local crypto endpt.:, remote crypto endpt.: path mtu 1500, ip mtu 1500, ip mtu idb FastEthernet1/0 current outbound spi: 0xFA94E73B(4204062523) PFS (Y/N): N, DH group: none inbound esp sas: spi: 0xFA94E73B(4204062523) transform: esp-aes , in use settings ={Transport, } conn id: 1, flow_id: SW:1, sibling_flags 80000000, crypto map: GETMAP sa timing: remaining key lifetime (sec): (303) Kilobyte Volume Rekey has been disabled IV size: 16 bytes replay detection support: N Status: ACTIVE C2#sh crypto session Crypto session current status Interface: FastEthernet1/0 Session status: UP-ACTIVE     Peer: port 848 IKE SA: local remote Active IPSEC FLOW: permit ip Active SAs: 2, origin: crypto map C2#sh crypto gdoi gm acl Group Name: GETVPN1 ACL Downloaded From KS access-list  permit ip ACL Configured Locally:
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