08-06-2011 03:21 PM - edited 08-28-2017 11:31 PM
This document has been migrated to cisco.com. Please refer to the following document for the latest updated version:
L2TP over IPsec provides the capability to deploy and administer an L2TP VPN solution alongside the IPsec VPN and firewall services in a single platform.The primary benefit of configuring L2TP over IPsec in a remote access scenario is that remote users can access a VPN over a public IP network without a gateway or a dedicated line, which enables remote access from virtually anyplace with POTS. An additional benefit is that the only client requirement for VPN access is the use of Windows with Microsoft Dial-Up Networking (DUN). No additional client software, such as Cisco VPN client software, is required. This document provides a sample configuration for the native l2tp-IPSEC droid client. It takes you through all the necessary commands required on the ASA as well as the steps to be taken on the Android device itself.
Ensure that you meet these requirements before you attempt this configuration:
This section describes the information you need to configure the features described in this document.
To configure the L2TP/IPSec connection on the Droid:
To configure the L2TP/IPSec connection on ASA:
The required ASA IKEv1 (ISAKMP) policy settings that allow native VPN clients, integrated with the operating system on an endpoint, to make a VPN connection to the ASA using L2TP over IPsec protocol.
**NOTE: The ASA only supports the PPP authentications PAP and Microsoft CHAP, Versions 1 and 2, on the local database. EAP and CHAP are performed by proxy authentication servers. Therefore, if a remote user belongs to a tunnel group configured with the authentication eap-proxy orauthentication chap commands, and the ASA is configured to use the local database, that user will not be able to connect.
The following example shows configuration file commands that ensure ASA compatibility with a native VPN client on any operating system:
Configuration Example Using ASA 8.2.5 or later:
ip local pool l2tp-ipsec_address
group-policy l2tp-ipsec_policy internal
group-policy l2tp-ipsec_policy attributes
dns-server value
vpn-tunnel-protocol l2tp-ipsec
tunnel-group DefaultRAGroup general-attributes
default-group-policy l2tp-ipsec_policy
address-pool l2tp-ipsec_address
tunnel-group DefaultRAGroup ipsec-attributes
pre-shared-key *
tunnel-group DefaultRAGroup ppp-attributes
no authentication pap
authentication chap
authentication ms-chap-v1
authentication ms-chap-v2
crypto ipsec transform-set trans esp-3des esp-sha-hmac
crypto ipsec transform-set trans mode transport
crypto dynamic-map dyno 10 set transform-set set trans
crypto map vpn 65535 ipsec-isakmp dynamic dyno
crypto map vpn interface outside
crypto isakmp enable outside
crypto isakmp policy 10
authentication pre-share
encryption 3des
hash sha
group 2
lifetime 86400
Configuration Example Using ASA or later:
ip local pool l2tp-ipsec_address
group-policy l2tp-ipsec_policy internal
group-policy l2tp-ipsec_policy attributes
dns-server value
vpn-tunnel-protocol l2tp-ipsec
tunnel-group DefaultRAGroup general-attributes
default-group-policy l2tp-ipsec_policy
address-pool l2tp-ipsec_addresses
tunnel-group DefaultRAGroup ipsec-attributes
pre-shared-key *
tunnel-group DefaultRAGroup ppp-attributes
no authentication pap
authentication chap
authentication ms-chap-v1
authentication ms-chap-v2
crypto ipsec ikev1 transform-set my-transform-set-ikev1 esp-des esp-sha-hmac
crypto ipsec ikev1 transform-set my-transform-set-ikev1 mode transport
crypto dynamic-map dyno 10 set ikev1 transform-set my-transform-set-ikev1
crypto map vpn 20 ipsec-isakmp dynamic dyno
crypto map vpn interface outside
crypto ikev1 enable outside
crypto ikev1 policy 10
authentication pre-share
encryption 3des
hash sha
group 2
lifetime 86400
Use these commands to confirm that your connection works properly.
show vpn-sessiondb remote (8.2.5)
Related Information
Thank you for this document. It really helped me implementing VPN-Support for Android devices. But there are some minor errors:
The name of transform-set configured in the example for is my-transform-set-ikev1 but the dynamic-map uses the name trans.
The transform-set use 3des in the first example and only des in the second. Besides this, why don't you just recomend aes?
Some problems I encountered during implementation was the combined use of tunnel and transport mode.
I found out, that this is only possible if they are both configured to only one dynamic-map using the different transform-sets. When using multiple dynamic-maps or crypto-maps using priorities only the one with the higher priority matched resulting in the log message "All IPSec SA proposals found unacceptable!"
I would have liked an information that changing the dynamic-map results in an immediate disconnect of all IPSec sessions.
I hope these advices help others during implementation.
Hi, thanks for the feedback and pointing out the error. I had it fixed.
Now regarding your other queries:
1. I just happened to choose DES and 3DES cause I had used them before in my lab and it's what I usually use. There are no problems that I am aware of but it isn't something i've tesetd either.
2. It might be worth exploring the problem you are facing with dynamic maps requiring different transform-sets, by opening a case with Cisco TAC.
3. what kind of changes did you make to the crypto map? Did you modify the crypto map that was being used by the tunnel?
Great document but lines 3,4,5 are all bunched together and therefore I can't read them. Can you repost?
hi, I don't see the error myself, could you try increasing the size of the text on your page to see if that resolves the issue? In that case I can increase the size of the font to make it more readable.
I tried a larger size with no luck. It's like those three lines are running together, maybe missing CRs or something.
I just did a view as a pdf and they now come out okay. Thanks for the response.
Sorry I couldn't help more, it has to do with the way your browser is rendering it, because on chrome(which I am using) All the lines are well spaced out and visible clearly.
There is an small extra set in crypto dynamic-map dyno 10 set transform-set set trans. Otherwise, these instructions worked great for me!
Although, I'm still not 100% because I can connect, but packet-tracer shows packages drop. But, I think this is related to my own configuration.
I had to add a foo/bar user to be able to test:
username foo password bar mschap
In any case, thank you! These are the best instructions I have found. Now, if only I could see something similar for iPhone/MacOSX/iPad.
I am glad you find this one useful, you might find the following document handy for your other requirement:
I revive the thread!
Could it work with ASA 8.2.1?
I've mashed your template with my customer firewall configuration and plan to test it. I wish it will work with the software revision actually running. Thanks for your document!
I followed them with 8.2 also. They worked very well.
Steve, the L2TP client is only supported as of ASA 8.2.5, any 8.2.x code prior to this isn't supported. While this doesn't mean that it won't work, it definitely means there is a high likelihood it won't because the ASA code was not designed to support it at that stage. Just an FYI, this document has now been verified and become an official Cisco Document:
Thanks a lot! It will help me (and my team) to work on it.
I tried it too but could not connect with my android 4 tablet to my ASA5505 9.1.2.
Here is the log output :
4 Nov 06 2013 20:49:33 113019 Group = DefaultRAGroup, Username = , IP =, Session disconnected. Session Type: IPsec, Duration: 0h:00m:02s, Bytes xmt: 803, Bytes rcv: 771, Reason: L2TP initiated
5 Nov 06 2013 20:49:33 713259 Group = DefaultRAGroup, IP =, Session is being torn down. Reason: L2TP initiated
6 Nov 06 2013 20:49:33 602304 IPSEC: An inbound remote access SA (SPI= 0x384D5B3D) between and (user= DefaultRAGroup) has been deleted.
6 Nov 06 2013 20:49:33 602304 IPSEC: An outbound remote access SA (SPI= 0x00D4C9B6) between and (user= DefaultRAGroup) has been deleted.
6 Nov 06 2013 20:49:33 603107 L2TP Tunnel deleted, tunnel_id = 18, remote_peer_ip =
6 Nov 06 2013 20:49:33 603106 L2TP Tunnel created, tunnel_id is 18, remote_peer_ip is
4 Nov 06 2013 20:49:33 737013 IPAA: Error freeing address, not found
6 Nov 06 2013 20:49:33 113015 AAA user authentication Rejected : reason = Invalid password : local database : user = chris
6 Nov 06 2013 20:49:33 302015 42307 1701 Built inbound UDP connection 4730 for outside: ( to identity: (
5 Nov 06 2013 20:49:32 713120 Group = DefaultRAGroup, IP =, PHASE 2 COMPLETED (msgid=caaa74cb)
6 Nov 06 2013 20:49:32 602303 IPSEC: An inbound remote access SA (SPI= 0x384D5B3D) between and (user= DefaultRAGroup) has been created.
5 Nov 06 2013 20:49:32 713049 Group = DefaultRAGroup, IP =, Security negotiation complete for User () Responder, Inbound SPI = 0x384d5b3d, Outbound SPI = 0x00d4c9b6
6 Nov 06 2013 20:49:32 602303 IPSEC: An outbound remote access SA (SPI= 0x00D4C9B6) between and (user= DefaultRAGroup) has been created.
5 Nov 06 2013 20:49:32 713076 Group = DefaultRAGroup, IP =, Overriding Initiator's IPSec rekeying duration from 0 to 4608000 Kbs
5 Nov 06 2013 20:49:31 713119 Group = DefaultRAGroup, IP =, PHASE 1 COMPLETED
6 Nov 06 2013 20:49:31 113009 AAA retrieved default group policy (l2tp-ipsec_policy) for user = DefaultRAGroup
6 Nov 06 2013 20:49:31 713172 Group = DefaultRAGroup, IP =, Automatic NAT Detection Status: Remote end is NOT behind a NAT device This end is NOT behind a NAT device
My user/password are correct though.
Any idea why it could fail ?
Thank you.
Hey guys,
I got it(IPsec over NATt or say ikev1) working this morning with Cisco ASA 5505 v9.1 & Samsung Galaxy S4(unrooted).
Basically, there is some unknown issue with built-in VPN module of most of these Android phones.
Try using 3rd party mobile apps such as vpncilla etc, it works like charm.
group-policy Android internal
group-policy Android attributes
dns-server value x.x.x.x x.x.x.x
split-tunnel-policy tunnelspecified
split-tunnel-network-list value SPLIT_ACL
default-domain value vpn.yourdomain.com
tunnel-group Android type remote-access
tunnel-group Android general-attributes
address-pool Remote_access
authentication-server-group yourTACACS (alternatively can use local auth)
default-group-policy Android
tunnel-group Android ipsec-attributes
ikev1 pre-shared-key *****
tunnel-group Android ppp-attributes
authentication ms-chap-v2
Hope this works for you!
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