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Paolo Betti
Level 1
Level 1

Hello everyone,

I would kindly need community support for a feature/configuration that is not clear to me.
I am working on the migration of Cisco ASA 5520 firewalls to the FTD platform, managed by the Firepower Management Center.
On the Cisco ASA the Users authentication is currently configured, based on the captive portal directly configured on the same ASA (ASA Cut Through Authentication). This way users can log into the Firewall before having access to network resources.
I am wondering if it is possible to use a similar features on the FTD platform (using FMC GUI for configuration). Reading the FMC admin guide I saw that it is possible to configure the use of active authentication (and possible SSL inspection) to redirect the sessions on the Captive Portal, but it is not clear to me if it is possible to generate a Captive portal directly provided by the FTD firewall on which users can authenticate directly (not redirected from HTTP/HTTPS sessions).
Does anyone know if the configuration is supported and where can I possibly find some configuration examples?

Thanks in advance to everyone who will answer me!


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