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Tommy Alexander
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee



Feature Overview


The  Cisco  IP Phone now has a built in VPN client based on SSL TLS/DTLS,  the phone can directly establish a VPN connection  (using anyconnect) to  a ASA or IOS headend.  This requires that the phone establish the  initial connection inside of  the corporate network to retrieve the  phone configuration, then  subsequent connections can be made using VPN  as the configuration is  retrieved on the phone. On IOS Cisco Ip phone  client is supported starting 15.(1)2T.


Supported Platforms


Only the following phones are currently supported 7942 / 7962 / 7945 / 7965 / 7975​_1/delta/phones.html#wp1489245


You  can use Cisco Unified Reporting to determine which Cisco Unified IP  Phones support the VPN client. From Cisco Unified Reporting, click  Unified CM Phone Feature List. For the Feature, choose Virtual  Private  Network Client from the pull-down menu. The system displays a list of  products that support the feature. For more information about using  Cisco Unified Reporting, see the Cisco Unified Reporting Administration  Guide.


Cisco Ip phone Software Requirements

The phone should be running load 9.0(2)SR1S - SCCP or later version.

CUCM should be running or greater.

IOS should be running 15.1(2)Tor later



CUCM Configuration


The following document provides a complete set of configuration  tasks required to configure CUCM for this feature:

Note:  Please make sure the URL for the VPN Gateway contains the   full URI  including the path to reach the right context on the router.  Example


Phone Configuration


1. Use a supported phone model per the CUCM release notes
2. Configure  the IP Phone with a TFTP server manually.
3. Import the root certificate or identity certificate used by  the router into to phone via CUCM



IOS Configuration


Use this as a baseline for router configuration:


Configuration Examples


Configuration Example 1: Phone to IOS using username and password



IOS Router Configuration


Use this as a baseline for router configuration:



This is a snippet of the configuration that pertains to webvpn/anyconnect on the router.


aaa new-model
aaa authentication login default local


webvpn gateway mygateway

! The ip address should match that of your router public interface
  ip address port 443

! The trustpoint will vary depending on your router- use show cry ca cert to find out
ssl trustpoint TP-self-signed-743301245
webvpn install svc flash:/webvpn/anyconnect-dart-win-2.5.0217-k9.pkg sequence 1
webvpn context mycontext
ssl authenticate verify all
policy group default
   functions svc-enabled
   svc address-pool "mypool"
   svc keep-client-installed
     svc split include

! Dtls is required
  svc dtls
virtual-template 99
default-group-policy default
aaa authentication list default
gateway mygateway




1) The gateway ip address should be changed to your router public interface ip address

2) The trustpoint will be different for each router. Use "show crypto ca cert" to see whats the router cert

3)  SVC DTLS is a required command to enable DTLS, which is required for  vpn phone due to the delay sensitivity for VOIP traffic.

     This is enabled by default in the ISR G2 platforms:

    C3900, C2951, C2900, C1900, CGR2010, C1906C, C890, C880


Other platforms, it will use software crypto. Use caution when enabling svc dtls when using software crypto


and high number of sessions as it may result in a high CPU condition affecting overall performance.


Importing the IOS Router Certificate into CUCM


The  phone will not connect to any headend (ASA or IOS), unless the id  cert  of the router or the issuer cert (CA ) is imported into the call   manager and configured on the vpn gateway on CM.

The first step is  to get the router identity certificate or the  issuing CA certificate  as a file in base64 format so that it can be  imported into CUCM.  One  way to get the certificate is to use a browser and browse to the IOS  router  URL configured for anyconnect in the previous step as show below  using  Internet Explorer:


1) Open IE and browse to the URL of the router configured for webvpn/anyconnect.

2)  On the upper right corner you will see a "Certificate Error"  with a  cross icon or a pad-lock icon (if the certificate is trusted by  your  browser). Click on the red cross icon or the pad-lock icon and you  will  see a popup window like below.


asa cert1.jpg


3) Click on View Certificates



4) Go to the details page.


Here,  you can also see the CN (common name) and subject alternative name of  router identity certificate. This can be used for verification that the  router webvpn URL matches with the CN or SAN.




5) Click on  "Copy to File"  to copy the certificate to a file.


asa cert4.jpg


6) Select Base-64 as this is the format that CUCM will accept when importing.


asa cert5.jpg

7) Click Next and then select a file name for the certificate.

Once the certificate file is saved in base 64 format, the next step is to import it into CUCM.

1) Log on to the CUCM administration page. Select "Cisco Unified OS Administration" from the Navigation drop down list.


cm cert import1.jpg

2)Select Security--->Certificate Management


cm cert import2.jpg

3)Click on Upload certificate


cm cert import3.jpg

4)For Certificate Name, Select Phone-VPN-trust and then select the  base  64 file name for router that you get in earlier steps above. Then  click on  "upload file"


cm cert import4.jpg

5) Now go back to the certificate list and click "find" to verify the id certificate of router exists on the CUCM.






CUCM Configuration


Use this a reference, when configuring CUCM:

1. Login to CUCM Administration page

2.Configuring the VPN Gateway

Go to Advanced Features > VPN > VPN Gateway




Click Add to add a new VPN Gateway.




Enter a vpn gateway name and description. Enter VPN gateway URL , this should match with the group-url created on the router.  Now,  select the rutercertificate that was imported earlier and move it to the  "VPN Certificates in this Location" container, so that the ceritificate is put in the phone trusted list.


Note: Here we are using the default URL without a path,  for this it work , hence the gateway URL configured on CUCM should have a  slash "/" at the end: This is a specific requirement for the phone when using the default URL.



3. Adding the VPN Group


In Cisco Unified  Communications Manager Administration, choose Advanced Features > VPN  > VPN Group. Click add to add a new vpn group.



Select and move the VPN Gateway vpngateway_ios that was created in  step2 to  the "Selected VPN Gateways in this VPN Group" container.





4.Configuring the VPN Profile


In Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, choose Advanced Features > VPN > VPN Profile.





Click "Add New" to create a new profile.

Select the default values .
Note: if the CN/SAN of the router certificate does not match the FQDN or ip address configured on the gateway under CUCM, then the "Enable Host ID Check" should be unchecked








Common Issues

Gateway url is not configured (or mismatch) on IOS/CUCM (call manager)


If  the gateway url configured on CUCM does not match with the gateway URL  configured on IOS router, then the phone VPN will fail to connect.

The phone when using username/password, will just attempt to connect and then fail and prompt again for username/password.



IOS Router Id cert or CA cert is not imported into CUCM (Call Manager)


The phone will not connect to any headend (ASA or IOS), unless the id  cert of the router or the issuer cert (CA ) is imported into the call  manager and configured on the vpn gateway on CM.  The message on the phone is VPN Authentication failed Required Action: Please follow the steps in the Sample configuration above to import the certificates.


Router Gateway URL on phone does not match IOS router cert CN or SAN


By default in the VPN profile "Enable Host Id Check" is enabled,  where the gateway certificate subjectAltName or CN must match the URL to  which the VPN client is connected.If they dont, match you will get a "Authentication Failed" message






Suggested Action :

1) Modify the URL configured on CM to match the CN / SAN of the  ceritificate. You can also create a new certificate that matches the URL  configured
2) Unselect "Enabled Host ID check" from the VPN profile configuration.


One way voice or no audio

Make sure there is routing / network connectivity between the two phones

Marcin Latosiewicz
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Good one Tom,

Can I suggest to add same thing/section for ASA since you already mentioned it ?


Muhammad Awais Khan
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Tom

I was testing this scenario, I am using CUCM 8.6, but i didnt found any option for VPN Group & phone-vpn-feature in CUCM. We have to activate this feature first or we have to purchase additional security license ?


Raees Shaikh
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Awais,

What is the complete CUCM version you are running. As per the below document "The VPN menu and its options are not available in the U.S. export unrestricted version of Cisco Unified Communications Manager."

If this is not the issue, then the VPN option should show up under the Advanced Features option.


Raees Shaikh

Muhammad Awais Khan
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Raees

Thanks buddy. Yes this was the issue, i just checked with other version & it work fines



Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Does this allow for the data port to pass traffic? I guess the real quesiton is can I use my phone to provide VPN services to my PC plugged into the data port?

Tommy Alexander
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

No, the data port is fully isolated from the phone VPN session, just like without VPN.

Kirill Sulima
Community Member

Hi everyone!

I have a problem

I've configured webvpn on my router that is behind ASA-firewall (nat, and other features configured correctly)

When I tried to connect to webvpn with anyconnect. User authenticates successfully. But this message appears in debug. And connected client can't see anything except his own IP address

Jun  8 04:57:58.371: %IPRT-6-STATICROUTESACROSSTOPO: Cannot install inter-topology static route topology base on outgoing interface Virtual-Access2


Kirill Sulima

Kirill Sulima
Community Member

LOL I've fixed this by myself

everything that was needed is to configure interface virtual-template 99

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