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Gerald Burgess
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hello Everyone,

The  Cisco VSM Software Assistant version 6.3.3 is here!  In addition to  assisting partners, customers, and Cisco personnel with installations  and upgrades to the new 6.3.3 VSM software, it also supports installing  and/or upgrading CIVS-ENC for the new 8 and 16 port encoding cards  (CIVS-ENC-8P and CIVS-ENC-16P).

The Challenge

Not  all VSM users and installers are proficient with Linux and I’ve always  felt that it would be great if they could perform an installation or  upgrade and not have to be concerned with what an RPM file is, or how to  uninstall and/or install one.  Not worry about Java, JRE, or symbolic  links, and not forget to update the MySQL database, or worse,  accidentally run the database_create script instead of database_update.   An upgrade process  that would verify that they have the necessary  files on the server prior to launching the upgrade would be invaluable.

I'd even say that those proficient with Linux and the VSM environment would likely appreciate an easier upgrade process.

The Solution

With  the attached script, you can simply download the necessary VSM software  .zip files from and put them and the script in any directory  on the server.  You can then run the script and answer only a few simple  YES or NO questions and feel comfortable that the installation or  upgrade will be a success.  The entire process is scrolled to the screen  as well as logged to a file for analysis, if necessary, after the  upgrade/install.

How to use the script to perform and install or upgrade

  1. Download the necessary .zip files from
  2. Copy them to the VSM server in any directory
  3. Copy this script to the same directory as the .zip files
  4. Make this script executable   (chmod +x
  5. Run the script (./
  6. Answer simple questions when prompted.


  • If  the script errors out when you try to run it, then it may have been  converted to DOS format during the transfer.  The typical error if this  happens is /bin/bash^M unrecognized interpreter.   Try running the following command first, then run the script again

  • dos2unix –k

  • If  you need to e-mail the script to someone and it gets blocked by e-mail,  then you can remove the .sh extension.  The script file can have any  file extension you want, or none at all.  It will work.


The script can do a clean install or an upgrade.  The clean install will allow you to choose which VSM components you want to install, then verify that the  necessary .zip files are present.  Any existing components will be  removed.  If VSOM is being installed, then the script  is called.  When this is called, it will first check for an existing  database (from a prior installation), and if one exists, it will ask you  if you want to create a new one or not.  If you choose no to this  prompt, then you’ll need to manually update the database when finished.

If you choose the upgrade option when launching the script, then it will only upgrade VSM components that are currently installed on the system.  If VSOM is installed, it will backup, then update the MySQL database as part of the upgrade.

Please  use the script and I'd love to get your feedback here.  Let me know  what you like about it, what you don't like about it, and what  suggestions you have for it.  Of course, I also want to know if you run into any problems caused by the script.   I can't fix it if I don't know it's brokien ;- ) This script is not  officially supported by our developement team, but I will try to get  updates out as soon as possible when a discovered found.

Danny Mainprize
Level 1
Level 1

Great script as usual.  The only thing I ever have issues with is the database password.  Is it possible to have the script allow a second try at the password without ending and starting over again?

Ed Johnston
Level 1
Level 1

Thanks Gerald!

Level 4
Level 4


Can you please publish the software assistant? its  currently not available.



Anim Saxena
Level 1
Level 1



The below mentioned link can be useful for you:





Anim Saxena

Level 4
Level 4

thank you anim

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