Configuration example of ACS backup 5.x through CLI and GUI
Create an FTP Repository via the ACS CLI
acs/admin(config)# repository myrepository
acs/admin(config-Repository)#username anonymous password plain anonymous
Issue the following command on CLI:
To perform a backup (including the ADE OS data like hostname, IP address) and place the backup in a repository, use the backup command in the EXEC mode.
Substitute the desired file name and the configured repository name.
acs/admin#backup backup-name repository myrepository
When you are using this command for ACS, the backup files include:
- Database—Database files include data related to ACS.
- Database password file—, located at /opt/CSCOacs/conf.
- Certificate store—Located at /opt/CSCOacs/conf.
- Viewer database—If the ACS node you are backing up has Viewer enabled.
You can use the show backup history command to display the backup operations and determine whether they succeeded.
Issue the following command for just configuration backup:
To back up an ACS configuration (not including the ADE OS data), use the acs backup command in the EXEC mode.
Substitute the desired file name and the configured repository name.
acs/admin#acs backup backup-name repository myrepository
Configure Repository from GUI
Step 1
Choose System Administration > Operations > Software Repositories

Scheduled Backups from GUI
You can schedule backups to be run at periodic intervals. You can schedule backups from the primary web interface or through the local CLI. The Scheduled Backups feature backs up ACS configuration data.
Step 1
Choose System Administration > Operations > Scheduled Backups.
- Backup Data:Filename created by backup includes a time stamp and file type information appended to the prefix entered
- Filename Prefix: Enter the name for the ACS backup.
- Repository:Click Select to open and new dialogue box will open where you can store the backup:
- Time of Day: Choose the appropriate time.

I have created the filename "acsbackup" and selected the repository my repository

You can no check it on the respective location of FTP to see if the backup was created successfully or not.
You can access the /opt/CSCOacs/logs/acsbackup_instance.log file for information about the last backup operation.
You can use the show backup history command to display the backup operations and determine whether they succeeded.
User Guide for Cisco Secure Access Control System 5.3 - Configuring System Operations
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