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Panos Kampanakis
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee



This article aims to educate the user on how to initially set up the CSC-SSM  module in his ASA using CLI. After reading this article carefully one  should be able to go through the initial set up and in the end have a functional  SSM module. ASDM can also be used for that purpose too as presented here.


Initial set up

The CSC-SSM is a module is a module that will be inserted in the slot on the  front of an an ASA 5510, 5520, 5540, 5550. The first time that the module is  inserted in the slot of the ASA the ASA has to be shut down and rebooted. After  this first reload, the CSC is considered hot-swappable.
After being inserted  in the slot the CSC has to be provided with network access. The user has to use  the module's external Ethernet port to give the module access to the internet.  The module is recommended to be treated like a host in the inside network. It  has to be part of the LAN and have internet connectivity to be able to pull  pattern updates and communicate with Trend servers. After the Ethernet cable of  the CSC is plugged in, the port's network settings (ip addresses etc) will be  set up in the section that follows.


Configuring the CSC-SSM

The initial network and license set up on the CSC, can be done from the ASA  using the command "session 1". The default username and password to log in the  CSC are both cisco. This will take the user through a number of interactive  steps do the configuration. These will include


  • new password
  • ip address of the module
  • hostname of the CSC (it can be anything)
  • domain name
  • network mask
  • dns servers
  • default gateway
  • domain of emails to be scanned
  • administrator's email address
  • smtp server ip address
  • base license code
  • plus license code


The steps will look something like the following (note that all the settings  use random addresses and license codes).



CSC-ASA# sess 1
Opening command session with slot 1.
Connected to slot 1. Escape character sequence is 'CTRL-^X'.

login: cisco

The password has expired.

You are required to change your password immediately

Changing password for cisco

(current) password:

New password:

Retype new password:

      Trend Micro InterScan for Cisco CSC SSM Setup Wizard


To set up the SSM, the wizard prompts for the following information:

    1. Network settings

    2. Date/time settings verification

    3. Incoming email domain name

    4. Notification settings

    5. Activation Codes

The Base License is required to activate the SSM.      

Press Control-C to abort the wizard.

Press Enter to continue ...

                        Network Settings


Enter the SSM card IP address:

Enter subnet mask:

Enter host name: my-csc-ssm

Enter domain name:

Enter primary DNS IP address:

Enter optional secondary DNS IP address:

Enter gateway IP address:

Do you use a proxy server? [y|n] n

                        Network Settings




Hostname       my-csc-ssm

Domain name

Primary DNS


No Proxy

Are these settings correct? [y|n] y

Applying network settings ...

Do you want to confirm the network settings using ping? [y|n] n

                       Date/Time Settings


SSM card date and time: 11/21/2008 19:16:32

The SSM card periodically synchronizes with the chassis.

Is the time correct? [y|n] y

                      Incoming Domain Name


Enter the domain name that identifies incoming email messages: (

Domain name of incoming email:

Is the incoming domain correct? [y|n] y

              Administrator/Notification Settings


Administrator email address:,

Notification email server IP:

Notification email server port: (default:25)

              Administrator/Notification Settings


Administrator email address:

Notification email server IP:

Notification email server port: 25

Are the notification settings correct? [y|n] y



You must activate your Base License, which enables you to update

your virus pattern file. You may also activate your Plus License.

Activation Code example: BV-43CZ-8TYY9-D4VNM-82We9-L7722-WPX41

Enter your Base License Activation Code: PX-DUMM-DUMMY-DUMMY-DUMMY-DUMMY-DUMMY

Base License activation is successful.

(Press Enter to skip activating your Plus License.)

Enter your Plus License Activation Code: PX-DUMM-DUMMY-DUMMY-DUMMY-DUMMY-DUMMY

Plus License activation is successful.

                        Activation Status


Your Base License is activated.

Your Plus License is activated.

Stopping services: OK

Starting services: OK

The Setup Wizard is finished.

Please use your Web browser to connect to the management console at:

Press Enter to exit ...

Remote card closed command session. Press any key to continue.
Command session with slot 1 terminated.

Then by browsing to the user can have access to the CSC  graphical user interface to configure the module.



Configuring the ASA for the CSC-SSM

Now, what is left is to have the ASA forward traffic through the CSC-SSM  module for the security inspections to take place. We will use an access list  (ACL) to identify the traffic (HTTP, SMTP, POP3, FTP) to be sent to the module.  We will exclude the module's own traffic from being inspected in the ACL, for  performance purposes (it is unnecessary for the traffic generated by the module  to be inspected). The ACL will be used in a class-map to match traffic and the  class-map in turn will be used in a policy-map. In our example the action for  the class in the policy-map will be "csc fail-open" which means that in case the  CSC fails all traffic that should be inspected will be passed uninspected. The  corresponding "csc fail-close" will drop all traffic to the CSC in case the CSC  fails. Finally a service-policy will apply the policy-map for all the  inspections to take place. The above configuration would be like the following  (the CSC ip address will be as in the previous section):


access-list csc-acl extended deny ip host any 
access-list csc-acl extended permit tcp any any eq www
access-list csc-acl extended permit tcp any any eq smtp
access-list csc-acl extended permit tcp any any eq pop3
access-list csc-acl extended permit tcp any any eq ftp

class-map csc-class
match access-list csc-acl

policy-map global_policy
class csc-class
  csc fail-open

service-policy global_policy global




To verify that the settings are applied and the CSC is functional the user  can run a few commands on the ASA. "show module 1 detail" will show the status  of the module


CSC-ASA# sh modu 1 det
Getting details from the Service Module, please wait...
ASA 5500 Series Content Security Services Module-10
Model:              ASA-SSM-CSC-10
Hardware version:   1.0
Serial Number:      JADUMMYDUMM
Firmware version:   1.0(10)0
Software version:   CSC SSM 6.2.1599.0
MAC Address Range:  dumm.dumm.dumm to dumm.dumm.dumm
App. name:          CSC SSM
App. Status:        Up
App. Status Desc:   CSC SSM scan services are available
App. version:       6.2.1599.0
Data plane Status:  Up
Status:             Up
HTTP Service:       Up
Mail Service:       Up
FTP  Service:       Up
Activated:          Yes
Mgmt IP addr:
Mgmt web port:      8443
Peer IP addr:       <not enabled>

And while passing traffic (web,smtp,pop3,ftp) "sh conn | i X" will show the  active connections that are being inspected by the CSC.


CSC-ASA# sh conn | include X
TCP out in idle 0:52:28 bytes 988 flags UfIOXB
TCP out in idle 0:00:00 bytes 2578 flags UIOX
TCP out in idle 0:00:00 bytes 4310 flags UIOX
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