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Magnus Mortensen
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

For CSC Module version 6.6.1125.0, the latest HOTFIX is patch 1157. This brings a module up-to version 6.6.1125.0.1157 from any version of 6.6.1125.x. You can obtain the patch (csc_66_en_hfb1157.pkg) here:


           Trend Micro(TM) InterScan(TM) for Cisco Content Security
             and Control Security Services Module (CSC-SSM) 6.6
                          Hot Fix - Build 1157
   NOTICE: This hot fix was developed as a workaround or solution to a 
   customer-reported problem. As such, this hot fix has received 
   limited testing and has not been certified as an official product 
   update. Consequently, THIS HOT FIX IS PROVIDED "AS IS." TREND MICRO 

     1.  Hot Fix Release Information
         1.1 Issues
         1.2 Enhancements
         1.3 Files Included in this Release
     2.  Documentation Set
     3.  System Requirements
     4.  Installation/Uninstallation
         4.1 Installation
         4.2 Uninstallation        
     5.  Post-installation Configuration
     6.  Known Issues
     7.  Release History  
     8.  Contact Information
     9.  About Trend Micro
     10. License Agreement

  1. Hot Fix Release Information
     1.1 Issues
     This hot fix resolves the following issue:
     Issue:    If there is heavy network traffic or if FTP connections 
               close unexpectedly while the FTP daemon receives data, it 
               does not time out and thus, does not purge old temporary 
               files. These files use up disk space. 
     Solution: This hot fix adds a timeout setting to the FTP daemon so
               that if it encounters heavy network traffic or if the 
               FTP connections close unexpectedly while it is receiving
               data, the process times out and triggers the daemon to 
               purge old temporary files. 
     1.2 Enhancements
     There are no enhancements for this hot fix.
     1.3 Files Included in this Release 
     A. Files for Current Issue
        Filename                                             Build No.
        factory_default.tgz                                    1125
        migrate.conf                                           1125
        File for Issue
        Filename                                             Build No.
        isftpd                                                 1157

     B. Files for Previous Issues
        Filename                                             Build No.
        iwss-process                                           1148
        httpsd                                                 1134                                            1128
        issyslog                                               1129                  
        issyslog.exe                                           1129
        TmSmbGui.jar                                           1131                                          1131                                        1135                                      1133
        setup.bin                                              1135     
        AuPatch                                                1140                                            1140                                      1140                                          1140
        cert5.db                                               1140
        x500.db                                                1140                                1144
        S01init_ISVW                                           1146  
        scheduled                                              1145                                             1145                                        1148
        httpsd                                                 1155

  2. Documentation Set
     In addition to this readme.txt, the documentation set for this 
     product includes the following:

     o Readme.txt -- basic installation, known issues, release history,
       and contact information 
     o Installation Guide (IG) -- Provides product overview, deployment
       plan, installation steps and basic information intended to help 
       you deploy InterScan for Cisco CSC SSM smoothly.
     o Administrator's Guide (AG) -- Provides post-installation
       instructions on how to configure the settings to help you get
       InterScan for Cisco CSC SSM "up and running." Also includes 
       instructions on performing other administrative tasks for the 
       day-to-day maintenance of InterScan for Cisco CSC SSM.

     o Online Help -- Context-sensitive help screens that provide 
       guidance for performing a task.

  3. System Requirements
     Install this hot fix only on computers that meet the following

     - Platform: CSC SSM 10 or CSC SSM 20
     - CSC Version: 6.6.1125.0. 

  4. Installation/Uninstallation

     4.1 Installation
     To install this hot fix: 

     1. Ensure that scheduled updates are disabled. 

     2. Log on to the CSC web console.
     3. Click "Administration > Product Upgrade".
     4. Select the hot fix package and upload it to the appliance.
     5. After a few minutes, verify that the hot fix package has 
        been uploaded to CSC.

     6. Enable scheduled updates if you have disabled these in step 1.

     4.2 Uninstallation
     To roll back to the previous build:
     1. Log on to the CSC web console.
     2. Click "Administration > Product Upgrade".
     3. Under "Update number", click the name of the device you want to
        view. A summary screen appears showing the updates and related
        log information.

     4. Click "Uninstall" to remove an update. 

  5. Post-installation Configuration
     No post-installation steps are required.

     Note: Trend Micro recommends that you update your scan engine and 
           virus pattern files immediately after installing this hot 
  6. Known Issues
     There are no known issues for this hot fix release.

  7. Release History
     InterScan for Cisco CSC SSM 6.6.1125.0, July 1, 2011
     7.1 Prior Hot Fixes
     Note: Only the new hot fix was tested for this release. Prior hot
           fixes were tested at the time of their release.
     Hot Fix 1128 
     Issue:    InterScan slightly modifies the "Received" email header
               after the CSC POP3 scans email messages. This issue 
               causes the time format of the email messages to violate 
               RFC 5322. 
     Solution: This hot fix resolves this issue. 

     Hot Fix 1129 
     Issue:    CSC may stop transferring violation events to Cisco ASDM 
               preventing the "Cisco ASDM Content Security" tab from 
               showing violation events. This issue occurs because the 
               CSC syslog adaptor module runs into a dead loop when it 
               attempts to handle URLs that exceed 1024 bytes. 
     Solution: This hot fix resolves this issue. 
     Hot Fix 1131 
     Issue 1:     When users make changes in the DNS setting on the
                  CSC web console, the new setting does not take 
     Solution 1:  This hot fix enables the web console to restart 
                  automatically after users make changes to the DNS 
                  setting on the CSC web console. This ensures that the 
                  new setting takes effect immediately.
     Issue 2:     For the SMTP content filter feature, the previous file 
                  type setting in the background configuration file 
                  could not be cleared correctly. This can cause CSC to 
                  block a file type other than the one specified in the
                  configuration file on the web console. 
     Solution 2:  This hot fix resolves this issue.  
     Procedure 2: To correct the previous SMTP content filter background 
                  configuration file: 

                  a. Log on to the CSC web console.

                  b. Make and save the necessary changes to the content 
                     filter setting in the "Mail(SMTP) > 
                     Content-Filter > Filter attachments of following 
                     file types" field. 
                     This step enables the fix to take effect. After 
                     performing this step, any changes you make on the
                     content filter setting will take effect 
     Hot Fix 1132
     Issue:    When users access some HTTPS sites, the browser freezes
               for one to two minutes or displays browser/SSL errors if
               the HTTPS server closes the connection before the client
               downloads all the data.

               This issue occurs because the CSC-SSM does not
               properly close the connection with the client.
     Solution: This hot fix resolves this issue by allowing CSC-SSM
               to properly close the connection with the client when
               the server closes the connection with CSC-SSM.

     Hot Fix 1133

     Issue 1:    The iwss process may cause the CSC module to stop 
                 unexpectedly. This issue can occur when the VSAPI 
                 module sends out a large number of nesting call 
                 statements which can lead to useless memory allocation 
                 and eventually cause the system to run out the memory.
     Solution 1: This hot fix enables the VSAPI module to use simple 
                 character strings instead of the String class to reduce 
                 the unnecessary memory allocation. This resolves the 
     Issue 2:    The URL filtering and URL blocking functions of the 
                 HTTPS module may stop working 30 minutes after 
                 starting. This issue occurs because the httpsd process 
                 encounters a data corruption issue which can cause it 
                 to stop unexpectedly and may trigger a core dump issue.
     Solution 2: This hot fix prevents the core dump issue in the httpsd
                 process to ensure that both the HTTPS URL filtering and
                 URL blocking functions work properly.
     Issue 3:    The VSAPI module requires CSC to change the 
                 "Accept-Encoding" header of an HTTP request from 
                 "gzip/deflate" to "Identity" which is the default 
                 value, before sending the HTTP request to the server. 
                 However, the actual encoding of the PDF file is "gzip". 
                 This mismatch can prevent Microsoft(TM) 
                 Internet Explorer(TM) 8 from downloading the file. 
                 This issue does not affect Mozilla(R) Firefox(R).
     Solution 3: This hot fix prevents CSC from changing the 
                 "Accept-Encoding" header of HTTP requests in clients
                 that use Internet Explorer.

     Hot Fix 1134

     Issue:    The CSC module stops unexpectedly because of a null 
               pointer in the commonUID module.
     Solution: This hot fix prevents the commonUID module from calling 
               the null pointer.

     Hot Fix 1135

     Issue 1:    When accessing a web site through CSC and the size of 
                 the header of the HTTP response exceeds 16 KB, the 
                 client will not be able to display the web page 
     Solution 1: This hot fix increases the HTTP receiver buffer to 
                 enable CSC to process HTTP responses with headers that 
                 are larger than 16 KB.

     Issue 2:    A related process can use up 100% of CPU resources 
                 while "setup.bin" runs.
     Solution 2: This hot fix optimizes the handling method for 
                 terminated signals to ensure that it can efficiently 
                 handle terminated signals and that the affected process 
                 can close successfully.
     Hot Fix 1140
     Issue:    The ActiveUpdate module for Stargate supports 
               "root signed" certificates only. However, "root signed" 
               certificates will expire by March 2015. By that time, 
               every SSL server certificate must be issued by an 
               intermediate CA. Since the ActiveUpdate module does not 
               support intermediate CA certificates, all ActiveUpdate 
               updates will eventually fail.
     Solution: This hot fix updates the ActiveUpdate module to enable 
               CSC to support intermediate CA certificates.
     Hot Fix 1144
     Issue:    Updates may not complete because there is not enough 
               disk space in "/opt/trend/isvw/lib/mail" and 
               ActiveUpdate uses this folder for updates.
     Solution: This hot fix transfers the ActiveUpdate folder to another
               location to ensure that it has enough disk space to 
               perform updates successfully. 
     Hot Fix 1145
     Issue:    Sometimes, a copy file error appears after a successful
               antispam pattern update.
     Solution: This hot fix prevents the copy file error from appearing
               after a successful antispam pattern update.
     Hot Fix 1146
     Issue:    Sometimes, Virus Scan Engine updates fail because the 
               backup file is missing.
     Solution: This hot fix creates the missing backup file in affected 
               computers to ensure that the Virus Scan Engine can 
               be updated successfully.

     Hot Fix 1147
     Issue:    Sometimes, CSC cannot decode URLs that contain special 
               characters because it cannot parse these URLs correctly.
     Solution: This hot fix enables CSC to parse URLs with special 
               characters to ensure that it can successfully decode 
               these URLs.
     Hot Fix 1148
     Issue:    When users access a web site through CSC, the client 
               may not be able to display the web page properly.
     Solution: This hot fix enables clients to display web pages 
     Hot Fix 1155

     Issue:    An array overflow issue triggers the iwss process to 
               stop unexpectedly and generate core dump files while 
               parsing certain URLs.
     Solution: This hot fix resolves the issue so users can access
               the affected web sites normally.

  8. Contact Information  
     A license to the Trend Micro software usually includes the right to 
     product updates, pattern file updates, and basic technical support 
     for one (1) year from the date of purchase only. After the first
     year, Maintenance must be renewed on an annual basis at 
     Trend Micro's then-current Maintenance fees.

     You can contact Trend Micro via fax, phone, and email, or visit us 
     Evaluation copies of Trend Micro products can be downloaded from 
     our web site. 

     Global Mailing Address/Telephone numbers
     For global contact information in the Asia/Pacific region, 
     Australia and New Zealand, Europe, Latin America, and Canada, 
     refer to:

     The Trend Micro "About Us" screen displays. Click the appropriate 
     link in the "Contact Us" section of the screen.

     Note: This information is subject to change without notice.

  9. About Trend Micro   
     Trend Micro Incorporated, a global leader in Internet content 
     security and threat management, aims to create a world safe for the 
     exchange of digital information for businesses and consumers. 
     A pioneer in server-based antivirus with over 20 years experience, 
     we deliver top-ranked security that fits our customers' needs, 
     stops new threats faster, and protects data in physical, 
     virtualized and cloud environments. Powered by the Trend Micro 
     Smart Protection Network(TM) infrastructure, our industry-leading 
     cloud-computing security technology and products stop threats where 
     they emerge, on the Internet, and are supported by 1,000+ 
     threat intelligence experts around the globe. For additional 
     information, visit

     Copyright 2014, Trend Micro Incorporated. All rights reserved.
     Trend Micro, the t-ball logo, Smart Protection Network, and 
     InterScan are trademarks of Trend Micro Incorporated and are 
     registered in some jurisdictions. All other marks are the 
     trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

  10. License Agreement   
     Information about your license agreement with Trend Micro can be 
     viewed at:

     Third-party licensing agreements can be viewed:   
     - By selecting the "About" option in the application user 
     - By referring to the "Legal" page of the Getting Started Guide or     
       Administrator's Guide      
Getting Started

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