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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Have you ever experienced attacks on your network, like malware or advanced persistent threats? Curious how to balance security with productivity? What about how to gain superior application visibility and control within your business?

Join us for an open live discussion on Twitter on December 12 at 11 a.m. PT as a panel of Cisco experts come together to discuss these topics and more. Questions we’ll explore include:

What is a next-generation firewall, and how does it help protect against attacks?

What has the security market come to expect and how does it define a next-gen firewall?

What kinds of threats is Cisco seeing with customers? How does a next-gen firewall protect them?

Why is it important for an organization to have comprehensive web security, secure remote access, botnet protection, and IPS?

Moderator: @CiscoSecurity

Hashtag: #SecurityChat

Date/Time: Dec. 12, 2013, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. PT

Submit your question in advance to @ciscosecurity  or submit by commenting below.

What is a TweetChat?

TweetChats are scheduled gatherings of Twitter users to discuss a given topic, using a #hashtag to keep track of conversation.

How do I participate?

There are many ways to participate in a TweetChat. You can log in to using your Twitter credentials, you can use your favorite Twitter client (i.e. TweetDeck, Hootsuite, etc.) or you can even just use Twitter Search to follow the chat hashtag. During the event, you can follow the discussion, contribute questions, and submit your own comments by using the same hashtag.

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

The Storify transcript of the Twitter Chat is now available here:

@CiscoSecurity hosts #SecurityChat on NGFW (with image, tweets)

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