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Level 10
Level 10

Core issue

With Policy NAT configured on the PIX Firewall, the PIX Device Manager (PDM) displays an error message. The message indicates PDM does not support policy NAT commands in your configuration, and you cannot make any configuration changes.


PDM does not support the usage of policy NAT on any 2.x or 3.x releases. Policy NAT configurations forces PDM into monitor mode, and you are not able to make any changes in the configuration through PDM.

For a list of the Command Line Interface (CLI) commands supported by the PIX, refer to the Important Notes section of Cisco PIX Device Manager Release Notes, Version 3.0(4).

For information on configuring and troubleshooting PDM, refer to these documents:

Policy NAT is supported in PDM version 4.x, which is for Firewall Switch Module (FWSM) and not the PIX. It is also supported in Adaptive Security Device Manager (ASDM), which is the next PDM release for PIX running on software code 7.x.

For additional information, refer to PIX Security Appliance 7.0 and Adaptive Security Appliance NAT and PAT Statements.

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