What is Web VPN?
WebVPN can be defined as a VPN connection which is established by a web browser over SSL. A VPN connection facilitates a secure channel of communication between the host and remote machine.
ASA 7.x Citrix is supported in Webvpn
ASA 8.x Citrix is supported in Webvpn
VPN 3K: Web VPN is supported with Citrix, but only with Cisco VPN Concentrator Software version 4.7 and later
Web VPN is supported with Citrix, but only with Cisco VPN Concentrator Software version 4.7 and later.
This release includes support for Citrix MetaFrame services through WebVPN. The VPN Concentrator functions as the Citrix secure gateway. However, you configure your Citrix web interface software in Normal Address mode. You must install an SSL certificate on the VPN Concentrator interface that the clients connect to using a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN). This function does not work if you specify an IP address as the common name (CN) for the SSL certificate.
Select Configuration > User Management > Base Group/Group and go to the WebVPN tab to configure Citrix MetaFrame support.
Select Administration > Certificate Management to configure the SSL certificate.
The Citrix client attempts to use the FQDN to communicate with the VPN Concentrator. Your PC must be able to use the Domain Name System (DNS) or an entry in the System32\drivers\etc\hosts file to resolve the FQDN.