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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

If you are losing access to your Cisco Vulnerability Management environment but want to retain your historical data there are a few steps you can take to export your data from the platform.

First off, we recommend performing a full export of your assets and vulnerabilities. If you do not already have one, you can create a new risk meter that includes all assets (Asset Filters -> Additional Filters -> Include All Assets) and all vulnerabilities (Vulnerability Filters -> Status -> All). This will provide you with the ability to export all of your assets, including those that have been marked as inactive, as well as your closed vulnerabilities.

Next, proceed with an export of the vulnerabilities, fixes, and assets. Depending on the size of your environment, you may need to leverage the Data Export API endpoints to accomplish this task.

While the proceeding steps will allow you to export your full environment in its current state, Cisco Vulnerability Management also allows you to export your historical benchmarks for your risk meters.

Navigate to any risk meters that you would like to export historical data for and click on the reporting tab. From here you will have the option to export the reporting page as a PDF. If you’d like to store benchmark data with more granularity, there are several API endpoints which will provide you with historical data points in JSON format.

Various other end points will assist you in extracting information from the platform. Here are a few which may prove to be helpful.

Looking for a data point which isn’t listed here? Please reach out to your customer success representative or technical support to receive further assistance.

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